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Vacation Evangelization
Going away this summer?
Have a long car ride before getting to your destination? Taking a plane or a train somewhere a few hours away?
Seize this opportunity!
From packing your suitcases and your car; during your travel and once you arrive – all of these are a new opportunity to nurture your faith as well as your family’s.
Warning: There are a TON of ideas in this post. Take this advice: pick one, two or three of these suggestions this year! What you may be comfortable with will most likely be different than the three someone else might choose. Don’t be overwhelmed, pick what will work best for you and your family this year!
Pack Faith Based Necessities!
Does your destination require you to bring your own sheets?
Don’t forget to pack Prayer Pillowcases for the kids! These are great because even if you have a routine at home, being in a new place and perhaps with extended family, our routines get interrupted. Prayer Pillowcases remind our children and teens to say a prayer before they fall asleep!
Want to pack a holy blanket too? Pack a Rosary Blanket from The Littles Way!
For yourself, don’t forget to install the HallowApp on your phone! If you are new to this app, please use this link to sign up: hallow.com/prayerwineandchocolate
Hallow has so many helpful options you can use to start – or end – your day with prayer! Many of the meditations are short, so that you can take a 10 minute break from your schedule to calm your soul and connect with God.
What does your shirt say?
Packing t-shirts? Don’t forget one that might start a fruitful conversation!
My favorite is a little biased, it’s the Prayer Wine Chocolate tee (wearing the light blue one as I type this) or raglan!

The Prayer Wine Chocolate Raglan is perfect for those vacation nights!
Want an option for the kids or a Mom that doesn’t like wine – check out the Tees over at Friends of the Faith!
Don’t just say “DRIVE SAFE” do this too
Whether you are driving or your teen is driving, don’t forget to put a Miraculous Medal Car Clip on the car’s sun visor! You can also grab a few other Saint car clips from Telos Art shop while you are there! Keep prayer constant while you and your loved ones drive long distances this summer (and subtly remind the driver to keep praying when you are not there to remind them)!
*if you shop from Telos, don’t forget to use the coupon code AMY10

All Packed . . . Now time for a long car ride? Car Ride EVANGELIZATIOn up next!
Your family is all in one place. A car ride is a great time to pray a Rosary; listen to Praise and Worship Music or a holy podcast – maybe even start exploring the Hallow app!
Whether your whole family is going away together on vacation or your older teens are heading out of the house to visit and vacation with others, we have ideas on how you can use this as an opportunity to plant seeds of faith and provide time and an environment for prayer and reflection!
If you ever wondered, “How do I plant seeds of faith without appearing pushy or lame?” Then here is an idea for you!
Car Ride Evangelization
Last year my husband and I took our children on quite a few day trips. Each time we went on one of these day trips, we prayed a Rosary in the car. I felt that it brought the whole day peace. I highly recommend it.
This year we plan on taking a 2 hour car ride to stay down the shore (at the beach) for a week.
We don’t have screens in our car. I want to have some activities that our kids can do to pass the time. I have come across some great resources and I want to share them with you!
Car rides are opportunities to read, color or journal
Be Yourself: a Journal for Catholic Girls and Be Yourself: a Journal for Catholic Boys are a great book to hand your 9 to 13 year olds as you drive long distances this summer. In a way, they resemble magazines with some short articles and even “quizzes” (The Would You Rather pages are quite popular). This is a great opportunity to introduce prayer journaling to your kids in a fun way!
Some tweens or teens may like the idea of coloring in the car or while on vacation – for those kids, check out these Catholic Coloring Pages !
These inspirational quotes really help our busy minds meditate on God’s word and the wisdom of the Saints!
Activities that are car ride friendly
Catholic Scratch Art Books!
TRACE YOUR FAITH books are brand new and such a great idea!
Perhaps you have seen these “scratch-art” books in stores. They are really popular and now their is a faith-centered option!
By providing a fun and engaging way to learn about the Catholic faith, “Trace Your Faith – Around the Church” helps bring your child closer to their faith. Watch as they develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for the Church and the Mass while providing children an activity that helps them to focus and self-regulate.

Word Search Books are great! Love this one that has a whole section on Saint Kateri! Canadian Saints is a tremendous book for kids – and Saint Kateri is celebrated in the U.S. on July 14th!
Catholic Trivia Anyone?
Some people just love trivia! Check out these Catholic trivia card games that are perfect for travel!
FUN FACT FAITH – 3 Catholic Games in one by Brother Francis
Catholic Activities for little hands
Saintly Heart just debuted a purse that can be colored by the owner! I bought one for my niece (for her 5th birthday) and one for my daughter (perhaps for our car ride in August)! Check it out – The Color and Pray Purse by Saintly Heart.
Another great option is the Saintly Scenes reusable sticker book from Shining Light Dolls!
If you shop from Shining Light Dolls, use the coupon code PRAYERWINECHOCOLATE for 10% off!
Where will you go to Mass on vacation?
Being on vacation may provide the rare opportunity to visit a new Cathedral, shrine or basillica!
Bringing kids? Don’t go without these amazing books from The Little Pilgrim!
The Little Pilgrim creates faith-filled, fun, and engaging pilgrimage activity books for Catholic kids to transform visits to sacred sites into interesting and exciting pilgrimages. With our pilgrimage activity books, kids won’t be bored visiting sacred sites, but instead will be learning and growing in their faith and having fun too. The Little Pilgrim is inspiring little pilgrims and future saints!
Check out all the options over at The Little Pilgrim’s Bookstore!
If you would like more ideas on what you could bring with you on vacation that will keep you close to Christ, check out our shop page!