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This article was written by Alicia Baker. Alicia Baker is the designer & owner of No Heart Untouched. No Heart Untouched offers a range of Catholic gifts to inspire the heart & home. From jewelry to Wall Rosaries, to interactive rosaries for children, each gift is handmade & divinely inspired.
Las Posadas: An Advent Tradition for Every Family
Have you ever had a family or cultural tradition that just brings back the best memories?
I grew up with quite a few of those. Some of these memories are so vivid, I remember the sights & smells to this day.

Being Hispanic & growing up in a household where my family members cherish & uphold cultural traditions & pass them down from generation to generation, I am so proud to keep my cultural & faith traditions alive. And I’m eager to pass these traditions down to my own family. One of my most favorite traditions during the Advent Season is Las Posadas.
If you’ve never been to a Posada, now is the time to learn about it & add it to your Advent traditions!
Las Posadas is a religious celebration celebrated across the Latin community.
The word Posada means “inn” or “shelter” in Spanish.
This celebration lasts from December 16th-24th & commemorates the journey of Mary & Joseph as they seek safe lodging where Mary can give birth to the infant Jesus.

Las Posadas is celebrated for 9 days (each day for a month of Mary’s pregnancy) and is a joyous event with prayer (usually a novena), reflection, songs & fellowship.
What novena? Any! The Holy Family novena is a good one, and since we celebrated the role of Saint Joseph this year, that would be a great one too!
What reflection? No Heart Untouched includes a reflection sheet that gives information on the symbol for that night as well as a simple, yet deep question to reflect upon for a few moments. This sheet is included when you purchase the ornaments or the Posada bundle.

This reflection sheet also provides additional ideas of how the family can role play innkeepers and those seeking shelter and other activity ideas like dressing up like Saint Joseph and Mary, and more!
What songs? You can find the Posada song on YouTube 🙂 and then, pick a different Christmas Carol each night.
Fellowship? Think food and fun! Mexican hot chocolate, tacos, quesadillas and Menudo or Barbacoa & Tamales
This tradition is still so inspiring all these years later, that I made The Posada Collection so that all families could add this practice to their Advent traditions. I absolutely love how my faith & culture collide, so I wanted a way to share it so that ALL families could enjoy this beautiful tradition and immerse themselves in the journey of Mary & St Joseph.

The Posada Collection comes with Ornaments, a Banner & Printables with symbols that represent Las Posadas and help families & friends of all backgrounds come together & truly seek Jesus as the Advent season closes & the Christmas Season starts.
If you’d like to support my business & start Las Posadas this year, you can visit my shop & purchase The Posada Collection here.