The Simplest – and Most Effective – Way to Embrace Lent in 2024

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During Lent, we up level our 3 spiritual practices of praying, giving and fasting.

We know you’re busy. But we know these practices are essential for your soul. So, let us offer suggestions so you can grow closer to God and purify your soul this Lent.

Keep in mind, even Jesus gave, prayed and fasted.

This is important to contemplate when we often hear from people during Lent, “God doesn’t care if I eat meat”. God himself fasted! We are called to be like Christ and Lent is a great invitation to imitate Him.

To keep it simple:

Pray first and pray more often.

Fast in a way that will truly help you know Christ better.

Give the way you and I were made to give.

Busy People Can Increase their Prayer Time

You can increase your prayer time in two ways – starting today.

Many of us face an addiction to our phones on a daily basis.

We often scroll Facebook, Instagram and other social media platform and online apps.

This Lent, the first time you pick up your phone each day, take a look at the Hallow app.

Once you are there, choose a prayer to listen to – or pray along with; or listen to Scripture or some holy music.

By doing this first action with your phone each day, you are reminding yourself to put God first in your life.

Next, since Lent is a time to pray more, answer this question:

“How many times a day do you log into a device or website?”

What if you changed your password to a short prayer with a number and symbol added on at the end of it?

You would increase the amount of time you thought about God and prayed to Him without changing your schedule at all.

Think about it.

Time is extremely valuable. These two practices could be incorporated immediately and shift our minds and hearts towards God and heaven. What will come next? As we do this, God will open our eyes to more opportunities to grow closer to Him and also notice His Presence in our daily lives.

Get the Hallow app.

Change those passwords.

(If you don’t know any short, quick prayers, you can get 11 free ones here!)

Quote from the Gospel of Matthew: At that time Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil.  He fasted for forty days and forty nights and afterwards was hungry."

Incorporate Fasting into that desire to simply be more healthy – but add the greater desire to be more holy

Participate in the FREE Missio Parata Lenten Challenge offered by the owner and founder of A Thriving Catholic, Jessica Castillo.

Jessica is a Certified Life & Health Coach. She specializes in helping Catholics integrate and apply the best practices of body, mind, and soul in order to truly thrive in both their businesses and their lives.

  Missio Parata means “Mission Ready” in Latin. 

This Lenten challenge is designed to help you become a fit instrument in the hands of God so that you have the capacity to accomplish the mission that he’s given you. 

During this challenge, you will be guided in both a disciplined diet and fasting.

Disciplined Diet & Fasting

You will abstain from sugar, alcohol, gluten, and dairy for the entire challenge. These are the most inflammatory foods for most people and eliminating them will help your body heal and strengthen.  You will also be fasting on each Friday (based on your tolerance and only if you aren’t pregnant or nursing.)

Fasting is a powerful spiritual practice that also reaps tremendous physical benefits. 

Pinterest image shows a cross shape surrounded by dust; title of blog post is written The Simplest and Most Effective Way to Embrace Lent in 2024

Lent is a good time to start tithing and develop a family financial and investment plan that aligns with your values

Has Lent ever been so close to all of us doing our taxes?

Personally, I’m not sure, but as you get ready to file your taxes and you consider how the season of Lent calls us to give – perhaps it’s the perfect time to really get your finances in order the way you have been wanting to for a long time.

Maybe, it’s time to really start tithing.

Worthy Nest, owned by Deb Meyer, provides financial planning that not only focuses on wealth accumulation, but also factors in your desire to make the world a better place.

Are you a parent that works hard and saves well, but you are not sure what to do next?

If yes, contact Deb Meyer for a free introductory call!

For Christian clients specifically, Worthy Nest adheres to socially responsible investment guidelines. These guidelines lay out core church principles and values that should always be kept at the forefront of faith-based investing efforts.

There are six major themes that include protecting human life and promoting human dignity.

Learn more at

Graphic displaying headshot of Deb Meyer, financial planner and owner of Worthy Nest.

This article was written by Amy Brooks and highlights members of Catholics Online.

Find out more about Amy Brooks and Catholics Online here.

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