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Spiritual Warfare is real.

There really is a Satan.

There really are demons.

Does saying those things make you feel uncomfortable?  If so, get comfortable feeling uncomfortable.

There’s an Adam Sandler movie where his character was homeschooled and his mother taught him that historical figures were the devil.

I can’t remember which movie it was but I can assure you it was a comedy and those lines and characters were being mocked by giving them lines that made them sound uneducated and sheltered.

For some reason much of our culture has made the real battle between good and evil a laughing matter.

There seems to be an unspoken cultural norm that makes i t completely unacceptable to say “the devil is real” with a straight face.

But, the battle between good and evil is not just a great movie plot – it’s an ongoing reality.

There are evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.

Gold Crucifix and Miraculous Medal necklace

This is not fiction.

It is in fact real.

When it comes to acknowledging the reality of demons or spirits, we contradict ourselves frequently

It’s interesting how quick we are to dismiss the existence of a devil (an evil spirit) yet

when someone loses a loved one it is common to hear that they are seeking a medium in order to contact that beloved deceased.

People believe what they feel will serve them when it will serve them.

The Holy Spirit is called Holy because Our Lord is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

We do our children a great disservice when we choose to only protect their physical health yet completely neglect – or somewhat neglect – their souls.

Keep Your Children Safe from All Harm

As parents we are driven to keep our children safe from harm.  We lock our doors at night, me make our sons and daughters wear bike helmets and seat belts – we might even tell them not to talk to strangers, especially online.

But, when it comes to spiritual health, we are not rising to the occasion.

In fact, we are falling short.

Picture of book cover Be Yourself: a Journal for Catholic Boys
The Be Yourself Journal tells boys that God is calling them to be a Spiritual Warrior – and teaches them ways to respond to this call

I dare you to say this out loud:

“The devil is real.”

Get comfortable with saying it.

Make your children aware that temptation can come from their own flesh – but it can also come from an evil spirit who’s goal is to distract him or her from Christ.

Teach them to know their enemy.

Inform them that they do have weapons and armor at their disposal for this very real spiritual battle.

Spiritual Warfare: Weapons for the Battle

God has given us weapons and armor.

He has provided the not so secret tactic of humility (if you heard gunshots fire, you would hit the ground right?  Humility helps us lower ourselves to avoid the danger of the devil).

blue rosary

How can we teach our children to defend themselves against spiritual attacks?

Prayer is a powerful weapon.

Do not just teach your children to pray, but pray over your children!

You have the authority by God to not only pray for your child, but to give a blessing to your child or children.

(Don’t know what to say? Download these Prayers for Your Children)

Make sure you and your children own and know how to use a Rosary.

As stated by Our Lady:

“I want you to know in this kind of warfare, the battering ram has always been the Rosary.”

Our Lady to Saint Dominic

And many Saints have described the Rosary as a weapon:

“The holy Rosary is a powerful weapon.  Use it with confidence and you’ll be amazed at the results.”

Saint Josemaria Escriva

And finally, Pope Pius XI stated:

The Rosary is a powerful weapon to put the demons to flight and to keep oneself from sin . . . If you desire peace in your hearts, in your homes, and in your country, assemble each evening to recite the Rosary.

Teach your children to pray, and pray often.

Maybe you are not ready to commit to a daily Rosary with your family – but say one Rosary with your spouse, with your children or with all of them together.

The Power of ONE Rosary is quite remarkable!

Surround them with reminders – like this Saint Michael Prayer Shield.

The Young and the Young at Heart often need tangible reminders and tools to help them grasp a truth or concept.

Knowing this, we encourage you to use sacramentals in your home.


According the the Catechism of the Catholic Church:

“Sacramentals do not confer the grace of the Holy Spirit in the way that the sacraments do, but by the Church’s prayer, they prepare us to receive grace and dispose us to cooperate with it.”

So fight the temptation to NOT go to confession and Mass.  And in preparation and the time in between, provide these gifts for you and your family.

For example the Saint Benedict Medal.

“The medal is a prayer of exorcism against Satan, a prayer for strength in time of temptation, a prayer for peace among ourselves and among the nations of the world, a prayer that the Cross of Christ be our light and guide, a prayer of firm rejection of all that is evil, a prayer of petition that we may with Christian courage “walk in God’s ways, with the Gospel as our guide,” as St. Benedict urges us.”

WWI Battle Replica Rosaries

 “The Rosary is the ‘weapon’ for these times.” -Saint Padre Pio

Spiritual Warrior gifts (pictured is a Rosary, and wall decor that stress prayer and spiritual battle)

Gifts for a Spiritual Warrior

When we open our hearts to God’s grace, we are saying yes to His protection.  Nothing does this better than the Sacraments.  Going to confession and receiving the Eucharist strengthens our defenses.  But no one is free from temptation and we often forget or have moments of weakness.

As parents, we give our children reminders and tools to help them be successful.

Sacramentals can help us do that.  In fact, there are certain medals (like the Miraculous Medal) that when we wear it, we are given more graces in return for that act of faith.

In fact, Saint Maximillian Kolbe said that the Miraculous Medal is “a bullet with which a faithful soldier hits the enemy and thus rescues souls.”

Give your spouse and children gifts like a Saint Benedict Medal bracelet or keychain.

Empower Your Children and Encourage them to be a Spiritual Warrior

Pray the Rosary with them.

Get them excited to join you by letting them light the candle before prayer (check out this Saint Michael prayer candle!!)

Add art and decor to their bedrooms that remind them to pray and, especially for the boys, remind them that they are called to be spiritual warriors.

A collage of Catholic gifts for the Spiritual warrior - all gifts mentioned in the text of the article.

Surround them with reminders to pray and embrace the help of Our Lady and the love of Our Lord.

If you are curious about these gifts, the following shops are featured in this article:

House of Love and Laughter (St. Benedict bracelet); Sweet Little Ones (Saint Michael Prayer); Kolbe & Co. ( Every Day Carry Rosary); Pax Rosa (Saint Michael Candle);

Pink Salt Riot (St. Benedict Keychain – use coupon code CATHOLICSSAVE); Catholic Faith Store (Miraculous Medal/Crucifix necklace); Gifts of the Spirit (Catholic Youth Bible and Room decor); Our Lady’s Armory (WWI Replica Rosaries); Telos Art Shop (Miraculous Medal Necklace) and Someday Saints (Shield of Faith Tee).

Get more gift ideas here: Catholics Online Gift Catalog

This post was written by Amy Brooks, owner of Catholics Online, LLC and author of Be Yourself: a Journal for Catholic Girls and Be Yourself: a Journal for Catholic Boys.  You can read more by Amy Brooks over at

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