This post is written by Amy Brooks, author of the blog Prayer, Wine, Chocolate, and founder of Catholics Online.
The March for Life is a beautiful witness to God’s love. Many Catholics and non-Catholics will travel to D.C. on January 18th this year to demonstrate the need for compassionate laws – for both women and the unborn.
But, some of us can’t make it.
We all have different reasons. Personally, I just can not bring my 1 year old twins.
But, I want to show my support. Not only on January 18th, but every day of the year.
If you want to support the March for Life, but can not attend, here are 3 things you can do to “March in Spirit”:
1. Pray.
Pray fervently and pray daily.
One prayer our family prays everyday is the Spiritual Adoption Prayer.
This is a very short, but extremely powerful prayer!
You can get a free, beautiful copy from when you subscribe!
Subscribe to PrayerWineChocolate and receive a free printable Spiritual Adoption Prayer

2. Wear those baby feet proudly!
We live in a very visual culture. Those baby feet pins show the humanity of a 10 week old unborn child.
It speaks a whole lot of truth in just a few seconds.

When you purchase a “baby feet” bow from Hair Bows 4 Life,
you support a Pro-Life small business, plus the owner donates to a pro-life organization.
3. Share, tweet, and pin articles and organizations that show the world that pro-life does not mean pro-birth.
Here are a few to share:
Dear Beautiful Woman Considering Abortion
Mother Teresa: A Saint for Adoptive Families
Thinking Outside the Box: Ten Pro-life Organizations that May Surprise You
Empowering Women and Defending Life: An Inseparable Call to Action
A Late Night Conversation With My Teen Daughters About Abortion
Easy! 5 Steps to Support the March for Life
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