Losing a loved one is never easy. See how a memory bear made from clothing provides comfort and healing and how you can order one.
My heart lay shattered at my feet as my arms ached to hold something of mom’s.
She was gone.
I missed her like I never knew I could miss anyone. How could grief be so crippling?

Sure I had lost people before. But this grief was different, hitting me like a tidal wave.
Going through her earthly treasures, I found her nursing cape-the one she got when she graduated nursing school. I knew I couldn’t throw it out. Donating it would be a waste, it wouldn’t mean anything to anyone else.
Then the lightbulb went off.
Make it into a memory bear. Yes, that was the answer.
I could still have it with me and have something tangible to hold and remind me of her. Something to look at and not just a cape stuck in a box collecting dust.
I had enough material to make one for each of my kids, my brother and myself. 10 years later and I still treasure that bear. Although I don’t need to hug it as often, just seeing it reminds me of her and provides comfort.
What type of clothing is used for memory bears?
Chose an article of clothing with special meaning to you and your loved one.
T-shirts, dress up shirts, pajama pants, nightgowns or light jackets are just a few things that can be used to make memory bears. Most material can be used but some accommodations might need to occur.
Some patterns aren’t suited for shirts with big designs on them like T-shirts from a concert. Those are more suited to memory pillows to keep the design intact.
This video might help explain things a bit better
Lacy material can be used but it requires fabric to be placed underneath so the cost may increase.
A good rule of thumb is one bear per shirt.
However if you are having several bears made, often an extra bear or two can be made with leftovers. Making 11 bears from 9 shirts was a bit challenging but worth it to see the smile on Jeff’s face when they were delivered.

“Anne made 11 memory bears from only 9 shirts and they all turned out beautifully. She was s kind to work with and did everything with a fast turn around and made each bear unique in their own way!”
Even jackets can be used as long as they are lightweight.
Helen wrote this after receiving her memory bears.
“I sent Anne a jacket of my moms and a jacket of my dads to have made into pillows and teddy bears. I received them today and I was so overwhelmed with the result! They are absolutely amazing! My parents passed away within 7 months of each other and I just couldn’t part with their jackets. I’m so glad they were able to be made into something special so they won’t be sitting in a closet, but rather memorialized in a beautiful way. Thank you so much for putting such special attention to detail into my order. I truly appreciate it!”

While pregnant with Teddy, Heidi’s mom passed away. It left a hole in her heart and she worried how she could help Teddy know the love his grandma had for him.
Fighting back tears looking through her mom’s clothing, she found a shirt that brought back special memories of her mother and asked me to make a memory bear for them.
As if grandma were intervening from Heaven, the bear arrived just in time for Teddy’s first birthday. It was a bittersweet day. So much excitement and joy with a child’s first birthday but such heartache when a loved one is missing. Heidi told me, “I held that bear tight all day.”

I was honored to be able to create a unique memorial bear Teddy could love and hold while learning all about his grandma and would be honored to do the same for you.
How are memory bears created?
Here’s a quick video to give you a brief overview of the process. Know that great care is taken with your clothing every step of the way and love is sewn into every stitch.
How long before I get my bear?
Each bear is lovingly handcrafted and requires you to mail your items of clothing.
I recommend priority mail as it generally arrives faster. Once the items are received production can take up to 2 -3 weeks depending on the number of other orders already in line to be made.
Around Christmas, it can take longer. My advice is to order earlier rather than later, especially if you want them as Christmas gifts.
Once the bears are completed, they are mailed back to you using priority mail. You receive a tracking number once the package is shipped.
How do I order a memory bear?
Ordering is easy, you simply choose your favorite sympathy bear from Kidderbug Kreations and order on our safe and secure website or contact me to discuss options.
While you await the delivery of your special keepsake bear, take comfort in God’s words:
Let not your hearts be troubled;
believe in God,
believe also in me.
In my Father’s house are many
rooms, if it were not so,
would I have told you
that I go and prepare
A place for you?
And when I go and prepare a
place for you,
I will come again and will take
you to myself,
that where I am you may be also.
John 14: 1-3