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In 2025 Being a Catholic Influencer is Essential
In the past couple of months, I have witnessed and engaged in several impressionable group discussions; one, a parish meeting where everyone in attendance was given the book From Christendom to Apostolic Mission: Pastoral Strategies for an Apostolic Age and two, Zoom meetings with Jose’ Manuel De Urquidi, founder of the Juan Diego Network, about how the Church recognizes the internet as a new missionary frontier.
Both of these realities: living in an Apostolic Age and being in a new missionary “land”, make me feel pretty passionate about a certain topic. That topic is being an influencer – and specifically being a Catholic Influencer.
I ask you to give this term, Catholic Influencer, an open mind. Here’s why:
Each and every person has influence
About a year ago I noticed that there seemed to be a lot of people that HATE the term influencer. My guess is because what some social media personalities have created as a visual for the word.
I tend to live in a cave, so the word does not spur a ton of emotion for me. I take it as what it would have meant before the age of social media. An influencer is someone who influences others.
Even people who prefer to be alone have influence.
You don’t need a platform to have influence
Long before Instagram, I wondered if my yes to God, my running because that was the talent God gave me, could ever make a difference to anyone.
I would go on long runs, and I would ask God, “why, why running?”. I would then tell Him how I could bring more souls to Him – I could influence more people – if I was a great singer or had a magnetic personality that made me easily popular . . . But no God, no – you gave me the talent to put one foot in front of another for long periods of time. How could that benefit anyone?
I’d ask this question over and over, for years and years.
After I stopped being a competitive runner, once in a while I would go out for a run. I noticed it helped my mental state. I thought, ‘well, maybe this is why God gave me this talent. Perhaps He knew I would battle depression and this would be a tool that would ease my pain.”
But even years later, I learned that was not the only reason God gave me this odd talent.
Apparently, I had influenced someone.

This will not be the first time I tell this story publicly. In 2016 I wrote a blog article about it titled My Stupid Talent was a Great Blessing.
I felt so strongly that people need to realize they do matter, their actions and choices really do make a difference – even if they think no one is watching – that I also published a version of the story in Be Yourself: a Journal for Catholic Boys.
Just to reiterate the truth that I really believed I had no influence, here is an excerpt from the blog post:
I started college as a Nursing Major. I knew I wanted to help people . . . but that’s all I really “knew”. I ran for my college Cross Country team and started taking training more seriously than I had in high school. It was so tough. I can still remember workouts that required running up steep hills and me asking God,”why? why this? This is not helping anyone!”. I recall thinking, “this is a STUPID talent!”
Only runners understand the complexity of our sport. I would go into the ladies room before a meet or race and everyone in there is saying, “Ugh, I don’t want to run!” Racing is nerve wracking and it hurts. I didn’t love running like I loved soccer and tennis. I did it because I liked the feeling of being good at something. There is a great satisfaction when you run a 5K faster than you ran the last one. Running allows a person to measure progress.
Are you a Catholic Influencer? If yes, get listed on our directory and consider joining our community! More info here!
Social Media and Online Platforms have Expanded Personal Influence, they did not create it.
I love how God works.
Not only did He teach me how powerful one person’s influence can be before even MySpace was a thing, He taught me with what has been called the “loneliest sport”.
There are few athletes that understand the unique role of a long distance runner.
There was even a book written called “The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner”
My point is you don’t need to have a platform or a stage to influence others.
In fact, even if you don’t want to influence others, you are, in fact, influencing others.
I was sad that I wasn’t on stage. It had been a dream of mine to act and maybe even make it into movies or television. I was a little annoyed with God that He gave me the talent of running rather than performing.
I thought I had to have a stage or a lot of eyes on me to inspire others.
I was wrong.
Even as I ran alone on many occasions, my consistent yes to use the talent I was given was noticed.
It was especially noticed by my younger brother.
At age 30, when my soon to be husband and I were preparing for marriage, I asked my brother to speak at my wedding. My brother Brian and I are close – and my brother is hilarious! I knew he’d give a great speech and have the guests laughing.
And he did. He gave an awesome speech. He not only had everybody laughing, he also interwove sentiment within it. And to my surprise, he shared how he became motivated to run and eventually coach.
He said it was because he watched me do it, and thought:
“if Amy can do it, maybe I can too.”
Brian then shared how much he loves coaching and how he attributes my example as one of the reasons he made the choices he made in his own life.
My brother won a “Lifetime Coaching Award” at age 30. He is an excellent coach. Not only does he help students become incredible athletes, but he teaches them good character.
I had no idea the impact I had. All that time I was telling God, “I’m not helping anybody.”
God knew I was.
I didn’t expect to hear this during his speech. I was surprised.
But as I type this, I wonder . . . did I influence anyone else? Maybe not, but even if I didn’t, this one story makes it worth it.
But how many times do we influence people with our behavior, our example, our faith and never know that our actions and choices impacted others?
Whether you have a platform or not, you do have influence. You are an influencer.
Still can’t stand the term or label Catholic Influencer? Perhaps embrace the title “digital missionary”. No matter which you are more comfortable with, the task at hand is to share the Gospel to the ends of the earth. Our content has the power to draw others closer to Christ or to turn away from Him. Let us pray daily we do the former.
Yes, If you use a social media platform, you have influence
And according to the Church, you are working within the new missionary frontier.
As discussed in an article over at the National Catholic Register:
“The Internet is recognized as the new mission frontier, a crucial dimension of the Church’s witness in today’s world. As the report states:
“Digital culture represents a fundamental change in the way we conceive of reality and consequently relate to ourselves, one another, our surroundings, and even to God.”
With this open understanding of the internet as a new mission frontier, the digital space is recognized as a vital arena where the Church is called to respond to Jesus’ call to “go to the ends of the Earth” and share his Word with the same fervor and adaptability it has demonstrated throughout nearly two millennia of missionary work. “
(this article was written by Jose’ Manuel De Urquidi, the title is Digital Missionaries: Proclaiming the Gospel to the Church’s New Frontier)

Some people think that in order to really be considered an influencer, you have to have a set number of followers. Some may say “even if you have just 1,000 followers”; others might say you are not a true influencer unless you have at least 50,000 followers.
I’m here to tell you that is bunk.
Sure, you might have more influence with a bigger following or community,
but if a lonely runner can impact a person’s life, an Instagrammer with 100 followers can impact many lives.
Are you a Catholic Influencer? If yes, get listed on our directory and consider joining our community! More info here!
If you are Baptized, you are called to be an Influencer for Christ
Father Mike has an Ascension Presents video that he created in response to many people asking him “How do I become a Catholic Speaker?”
His short answer, “get Baptized, start speaking”.
But he doesn’t stop there. He stresses that Saints are not made from a stage. He says that Saints are made through building relationships.
This is a great video and many parallels can be drawn, watch the whole video here: What’s It’s Really Like to Be a Catholic Speaker
I would say the same about becoming a Catholic influencer.
Build Relationships – and Communities – for Christ
One of the greatest lessons I have learned through blogging and “influencing” is that it’s not about building a following, it’s about building relationships and community.
If you are posting on a public platform, you are sending a message.
Hopefully, the message you are sending is true, good and beautiful.
Hopefully, you are somehow promoting the Gospel.
As a baptized Christian our messages to the world should assure others that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
If you are posting in the hopes of drawing others to Christ, that is wonderful. But please, be aware, (and forgive the cliche’) with great power comes great responsibility.
It is important to increase prayer time, engage in the Sacraments frequently and continue to put Christ above all in life.
Most people realize that no one is perfect, but when you preach publicly, your actions will be judged and analyzed.
Mother Teresa once said, “I alone cannot change the world, but I can caste a stone across the waters to create many ripples”
Create ripples that draw others closer to Our Lord.
Stay close to Him. Be honest. Make your greatest effort keeping God above all in your life.
In this Apostolic Age, The Church Needs More Influencers for Christ
If this idea of sharing the love of Christ online excites you, embrace it!
If you are wondering how to start or what to do next, I highly recommend networking. I wrote a free guide to help you, download it here!

How do I become a better Catholic Influencer?
Besides staying close to Christ in the Sacraments AND
really asking yourself before you hit post “will this help others love Jesus more?” there are many ways to reach more souls and improve your “brand”.
One expert (Rory Vaden) defines a personal brand as “God’s divine design of your life to reach back and help other people.”
You know that God has helped you in your life and I’m betting you want to share that story with others. The details of that triumph of faith is your brand.
I’ve learned a lot in the past 8 years and so much from being a member of Catholics Online. You are welcome to join! Apply here today!
We live in a world that is constantly changing, so having a community that understands your goals and your work is extremely helpful. Our community is a place where members are encouraged to share their troubles and share practices that seem be working. If you believe in collaboration over competition, Join here today!
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Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, pray for us!
Saint Francis Xavier and Saint Therese of Lisieux, patron saint of missionaries, pray for us!