Two kids making funny faces on top with the title of the article written below Help Your Catholic Tween with These 5 Quotes

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There’s something about a catchy quote that makes us stop and think.  As adults, we like and share these quotes on social media.

We decorate our homes with them.

We might even write them in a journal.

Our attraction to these small bites of wisdom often begins in our youth.

During my first year as a teacher, I had two students (both boys) ask permission to put a quote or “fun fact” on the board once a week or once a day (I can’t remember exactly).

I allowed them – and they came up with some good ones.

I’ve noticed many teen inspirational coloring books are filled with inspiring quotes.

I have observed what is posted on Instagram by scrollers of all ages.

Our kids are seeking truth and wisdom.

Let’s help them find it.

Here are 5 Quotes every Catholic Tween and Teen Need to Hear:

“Never give up on hope.” Saint John Paul II

Print being held that states I plead with you never, ever give up on hope. Never doubt, never tire and never become discouraged. Be Not Afraid.

If there’s one Saint quote I want my children to always remember, it’s this one.

Years ago when I started blogging, I became friends with an amazing Catholic artist named Meg. Although I never met her in person, she sent me some of her work out of the kindness of her heart.

I put this away with the intention of hanging it up in my son’s room when he got older.

Why is this quote so important?

I know what despair feels like. I don’t wish that upon anyone.
And with so many events in the news… I can’t help see the despair and lack of hope that drives young people, often young men, to do such tragic things.
Our world needs hope.
The hope that comes from the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

There are only 2 “coloring pages” included in Be Yourself: a Journal for Catholic Boys.  This quote is the center of one of those coloring pages.

“Run, Jump, Shout; but do not sin.” Saint John Bosco

Young man jumping off a dock into a lake

Saint John Bosco and Saint Maria Goretti have both drawn my attention to the danger of sin to our souls in recent years.

When I was writing Be Yourself: a Journal for Catholic Girls, I was determined to put Saint Maria Goretti in the book because I wanted to gently bring up the topic of purity. As I read about this young Saint, I was struck by something I read.  Somewhere in my research, I learned that Maria Goretti’s mother taught her to avoid sin at all costs.

When Maria was being assaulted, she was not only concerned for her own soul, but the soul of the young man hurting her.

Putting the idea in our children’s minds that we should avoid sin, will certainly help them as they mature and face new temptations.

Saint John Bosco’s advice affirms that of Maria Goretti’s mother – it is important to avoid sin.  We teach our children that certain foods are not good for us.

We lock up our bleach and poisonous cleaners – we should also teach them that sin damages one’s soul.

Let us not be afraid to teach that truth.

This quote recently inspired a reel on Instagram: click here to view the reel!

“Eye has not seen, ear has not heard . . . what God has prepared for those who love him.”


Ice cream cone in the background but faded; quote on top reads "eye has not seen, and ear has not hear and what has not entered the human heart, wht God has prepared for those who live him"

Although it is true that we should strongly encourage our kids to stay holy and pure, we must not forget to remind them WHY!

God’s love for each of us is unimaginable.  It is so incredibly intense.  God wants to love us.  God wants to bestow blessings and fill our lives with joy.  The Lord wants to spend eternity loving us.  Let us not forget to share this truth and celebrate it.


“You pay God a compliment when you ask great things of Him.” Saint Teresa of Avila

Woman in field wearing a hat, the quote written over the image states "You pay God a compliment when you ask great things of Him" Saint Teresa of Avila

I mean, I LOVE this quote!  We must constantly be reminded as adults to “pray unceasingly”.  This quote helps us hear that not only with our ears but with our hearts and minds.  God is totally okay with us dreaming big!  Nothing is impossible with God!  If we truly believe that, we will not hold back when we talk to him in prayer.

God gave us our imagination, our personalities, our uniqueness . . . let us share our hopes, goals and wants with the God who made us!

“If we are faithful in little, we will obtain grace for the big.” Saint Katharine Drexel

Boy holding a football in one hand and a Be Yourself Journal in another

Do you have a teen that has expressed interest in becoming famous?  Does your daughter want to be an influencer?  Does your son want to be a YouTuber?  Is there an athlete in your life that strives to be MVP and maybe has plans to play professionally?

Does your teen want to go to heaven?

Why is it so easy for us to accept the fact that our bodies cannot perform incredible athletic accomplishments without training, yet when it comes to our faith and our beliefs, we expect to have a different experience.

It’s normal for young people to question their faith.

Let’s just remind them of these wise words from Saint Katharine Drexel.

Our tiny acts of faith will come in handy one day . . . they are not pointless.


Do you have a son or daughter that might benefit from more quotes like these? 

If yes, purchase them a Be Yourself Journal today!  I

f you have a teen that likes to color quotes, grab the Be Yourself Catholic Coloring pages today!

Be Yourself: a Journal for Catholic Girls is available on Amazon and where ever books are sold.

Be Yourself: a Journal for Catholic Boys is also available on Amazon, and all the places books are sold!

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