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If you are late to the Advent party for any reason, we want you to know – you are not alone!
In fact, there are many of us who just live in survival mode!
So whether you are an empty nester or a mom of young children – we have some ideas that will not stress you out and allow you to choose something simple and totally do-able this month!

Advent for Procrastinators: 7 Ways You Can Still Embrace the Season
Transform Regular Candles into Advent Candles
Aleesa McCarthy, owner of My Little Patron, has created
FREE Advent Candle Coloring Wraps
Has the season snuck up on you and you have found yourself without
Advent candles, these wraps are the perfect solution.
Just print them out and color with markers, crayons, or colored pencil. The “Joy” candle gets colored pink. The candle with the Chi Rho is the Christmas candle and stays white, but you can add gold and red to it.
Read some Children’s Picture Books That Talk About Advent, Christmas and Jesus
Last year I started wrapping Christ and Christmas themed books and having each child pick a book to unwrap each night during Advent.
Currently, I have about 10 books wrapped . . . so I am still finding some around my house – and buying a few new ones (which keeps my 9 year old a little more interested).
I can’t wait to check out Colleen Presprich’s list in her blog post
Our Favorite Books for Advent and Christmas

Join Virtual Community and Get a Daily Pep Talk Through Email
Join Christina Semmens for a 40-Day Celebration of the Greatest Gift We’ve Ever Received!
As a working mom, business owner, multisport athlete, former military officer and educator, Christina knows a thing or two about juggling priorities and schedules.
Once she discovered a set of tools that were used by ALL the saints, it finally came together. Since then, she has been striving to inspire, encourage and accompany men and women as they regain control of their daily lives through developing a holistic and integrated approach to life that empowers them to become their best selves and experience transformation in each and every area of their lives. This 40 Day Celebration will help you do the same.

You can also purchase Christina’s book:

Say Yes: Discovering Purpose, Peace and Abundance in Daily Life
on Amazon!
Join a Virtual Book Club!
Would you like to keep it simple and just do one thing?
Deanna Bartalini agrees with you! Join the Advent Book Club
she is hosting and read Adore: A Guided Advent Journal for Prayer and Mediation

The book club, sponsored by Live Not Lukewarm, will meet on December 1 and 15, (the 8th is the Immaculate Conception and I don’t compete with our Blessed Mother) at 7:30 pm via Zoom.
Print Out a Jesse Tree and Start Right Away
Want to jump on the Jesse Tree Train?
Our Family’s Jesse Tree: an Advent eBook with Jesse Tree Ornaments can be printed at home and ready to use in seconds.

Monica McConkey, from Arma Dei, has also created a Jesse Tree/O Antiphons Advent Calendar (which is FREE)!

If you choose to laminate it, it’ll be good year after year and the kids can mark it up with washable/dry erase markers!
Plan to Celebrate Las Posadas
Great news – you are actually right on time to plan this celebration that starts on December 16th!
Our most recent Advent post talks about a great way to embrace the season, and luckily for me – it doesn’t begin until December 16th!

Check it out and consider embracing this tradition! This Advent Tradition Will Revive Your Joy!
Start Prayer Journaling!
The only time I get to pray in silence is when I wake up super early and my 4 year olds do NOT wake up super early.

So, some days I have the luxury of pulling out my prayer journal and copying a prayer while I sip my coffee. Then, I re-read what I copied.
If you would like some prayer journal prompts specifically for Advents, I have a list for you here: Advent Prayer Journal Prompts for Busy Christians
If you have never started a prayer journal, I wrote this post for you! How to Start a Prayer Journal in 3 Easy Steps
Don’t forget to Download Your FREE Catholic Gift Guide (which includes more Advent resources as a bonus!)