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Saint Joseph had a relationship with Jesus we can only imagine was close, sweet and incredible.

This year, let us hope and pray to grow closer to Jesus and ask Saint Joseph for help in doing just that.

Here are 5 of the ways Saint Joseph can help you in the year 2021.

1. Saint Joseph reminds us of the power and importance of simply being present.

We know Scripture tells us to be still.  Many saints have reminded us to be present in the moment. Saint Joseph’s life as the head of the Holy Family reminds us of the importance and power of being present.

Rose Sweet, Catholic Author and Speaker, suggests that we leave a statue out of Saint Joseph from our Nativity sets this year as a reminder to call upon him for prayers and inspiration.

We love this advice from Rose Sweet.  The subtle, gentle reminder of how important it is to be present and also the reminder that Saint Joseph is a great model of being holy and present.

Our busy lifestyles and culture of hustle often makes us feel guilty when we are not moving, doing or working.  There is a time and place for rest and simply being.  Be more present this year.  Let Saint Joseph remind you to simply be . . .

Want more physical reminders of Saint Joseph this year?  We highly recommend this sticker of Saint Joseph, Terror of Demons from Brightly Hude as well as this candle from Corda Candles (Carpenter shop, inspired by Saint Joseph)

2. Saint Joseph is the best model for us on how to have a “personal relationship with Jesus.”

If we want to learn how to have a personal relationship with Jesus, why not look toward the man that spent years living with him on earth?

Read this book:Consecration to Saint Joseph: The Wonders of Our Spiritual Father

In this richly researched and lovingly presented program of consecration to St. Joseph, Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC, brings to life the wonders, the power, and the ceaseless love of St. Joseph, Universal Patron of the Church and the Terror of Demons.

Drawing on the wealth of the Church’s living tradition, Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC, calls on all of us to turn to St. Joseph, entrust ourselves, our Church, and our world to our spiritual father’s loving care, and then watch for wonders when the Universal Patron of the Church opens the floodgates of Heaven to pour out graces into our lives today. Definitely a book for our time, Consecration to St. Joseph is dedicated to meeting the challenges of the present moment and restoring order to our Church and our world, all through the potent paternal intercession and care of St. Joseph. This book has everything you need to take your love and devotion to St. Joseph to a whole different level: the first comprehensive 33-day program of consecration to St. Joseph; information on the 10 wonders of St. Joseph; and prayers and devotions to St. Joseph.

Accessible, motivating, this book will kick off a great movement of consecration to our spiritual father and change the world.


Listen to this podcast.

Kimberly Cook hosts The Dignity of Women Podcast focuses on reclaiming femininity in the modern age. It challenges feminist viewpoints and the objectification of persons.

In this episode, Kimberly Cook interviews Father Donald Calloway, author of Consecration to Saint Joseph and the one who petitioned the Pope for the year of St Joseph!

Again, I highly recommend this book: Consecration to Saint Joseph: The Wonders of Our Spiritual Father

Want to read it with others? You are invited to join us, ordinary Catholics like you, in a private Facebook group, dedicated to St. Joseph. Lorelei Worland is hosting a private Facebook group for Consecration to Saint Joseph next month.  Get more details over at BooksFaithLife!

3. Saint Joseph will pray for you and with you!

We know and believe the saints in heaven can intercede for us.

We have probably heard friends or family talking about how Saint Joseph helped them find a new home or sell a house.  We might even hear about his intercession aided in finding employment.

Even saints have testified that this Saint has come to their aid, for example, Saint Teresa of Avila wrote about how she was astonished at the great favors which God has bestowed on her through Saint Joseph – as well as the perils from which he had delivered her.

This year, don’t hesitate to call on Saint Joseph for prayers!

This prayer is one awesome way to seek his intercession:


You can also ask Saint Joseph to pray with you.  We love this beautiful Rosary made by DellaMadonna Rosaries:

During the middle ages, St. Joseph interceded on behave of Sicialians during a terrible drought. In tribute, they wear red on St. Joseph’s day. In his honor, this St. Joseph rosary is made of rich brown peitersite with flecks of blue and cream and smokey quartz gemstone beads and is finished with bronze metal findings. This rosary is sturdy has a nice heavy weight in the hand and is 18.5 inches long.

The bronze medals are heirloom quality bronze reproductions. The crucifix depicts tools, like those used by Joesph as a carpenter. The rosary center depicts St. Joseph holding the child Christ. Finally, the side medal again shows St. Joseph hiding the Christ child with the second side shows a guardian angel. Beautiful heirloom quality and vintage-looking catholic rosary is perfect gift for someone special and for celebrating one of the sacraments.

4. Saint Joseph reminds us of the beauty and wisdom often found in silence.

“Saint Joseph is the greatest man that never spoke.”

This quote on the bottom of Sock Religious’ Saint Joseph socks give us a smile, but also remind us that sometimes it is best to say nothing.  There is a lot of noise out there.  God’s voice is heard in the silence.


5. Saint Joseph’s life provides reassurance that living a life of virtue is truly important.

In a time when the pornography business brings in more revenue than any other industry, reflecting on the chastity of Saint Joseph is a necessary reminder of our call to virtue.

Saint Joseph was obedient to God. As Father Calloway writes in his Consecration to St. Joseph book:

“He is the model of Saintly Fatherhood. After Christ, Saint Joseph is the model of heroic manhood and the defender of marriage, chastity and life itself.”

as well as:

“Through prayer, St. Joseph exercised the virtues of faith, hope and charity as well as the moral virtues of  prudence, temperance, justice and fortitude.”

When is the last time you heard the word temperance or prudence on a television show or even in a real life conversation?  We rarely hear these words let alone discuss the importance of these virtues. Perhaps it’s time to ask ourselves how we can highlight the value of virtue over vice in our homes and culture.  Let’s ask Saint Joseph to pray for us to do this well.

Saint Joseph, Glory of Domestic Life, pray for us!

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