Catholics Online: Cabrini Has a Deeper Message For You

In full disclosure, I was given a preview of the movie Cabrini and as an associate of Carmel Communications I earn a stipend for sharing the movie. All opinions are 100% mine.
This post was written by Amy Brooks.
Cabrini has a deeper message for those called to the New Evangelization
I did not expect to get such a personal, strong and message from Cabrini.
But WOW, the message was crystal clear for me.
I expected to like the movie, I did.
But what I saw was and heard was personal.
“Begin the mission and the means will come”.
This quote from the actress playing Saint Frances Cabrini spoke to my heart.
I don’t know about you, but lately “the means” have been a struggle.
I can’t help but recall the many times I have been told by a Catholic Marketing Expert or Business Coach to
”know my WHY”

Catholics: Know Your Mission
As I watched this film, I thought . . .
“how often do we hear people say,
‘well, I guess it’s just not meant to be’
when what they are working on doesn’t flow swimmingly or go smoothly?”
So often running a ministry or a Catholic business feels impossible. The world would say, “maybe it’s just not meant to be”. I am tempted to think, “maybe it’s just not meant to be”.
This movie shows only a glimpse at Saint Frances Cabrini’s life.
However, in those two short hours I witnessed her experience
time after time;
situation after situation;
encounter after encounter
where I would not have faulted her is she said,
“well, I guess it’s just not meant to be”.
Yet, she knew her mission.
Cabrini was going to build an empire of hope.
She was going to lift up the poor and remind the world – and them- of their dignity.
And to say it wasn’t easy – well . . . that is an understatement.
Cabrini faced a huge number of “no’s”.
She faced mountains of challenges.
She faced oceans of despair.
She faced physical and health set backs.
And when she turned to people who shared her faith for help – she heard “you can’t” over, and over, and over again.
Has your mission been a struggle?
Remember earlier when I said:
“I don’t know about you, but lately “the means” have been a struggle.”
Watching this film and Cabrini’s determination, I realized how weak I am.
Ironically, the film and the people Mother Frances Cabrini had to get help from pointed out her weakness.
But her weakness was in regards to health.
My weakness – my weakness is in faith.
A Mission from God
Is carrying out my mission with Prayer Wine Chocolate and Catholics Online difficult?
Often, yes.
But of course it is!
If God places a mission on our hearts to save souls . . .
we all need to remember, there are spirits in this world who seek the ruin of souls.
Our mission will be a battle.
Am I going to make up excuses not to face that battle?
Are you?
Our faith in our mission – and even more so, our faith in the God of all who gave us our missions – has to be far greater than our fear.
Facing overwhelming poverty is not a thing of the past
In the late 19th century, Cabrini witnessed a physical poverty that was overwhelming.
In our time, the poverty we witness is less apparent to the naked eye.
It’s a spiritual poverty.
The poverty in the world we live in is both alarming and deadly.
Catholics are called to inspire hope
We are also called to build an empire of hope.
Each of us has been given a unique mission to carry souls out of this despair and to remind all of humanity of their dignity – in both body and soul.
The Italian immigrants Saint Frances Cabrini served were neglected by the world in physical care.
People in our modern culture are neglected in soul care.
Resist the Temptation to Quit
Are you tempted to say “but I don’t have the means”?
Resist the temptation.
Are you tempted to say, “people are telling me I can’t”
Resist the temptation to accept that they are correct.
Establish hope despite tremendous odds.
God is calling you to have the faith of a Saint.
Are you a Catholic Ministry Leader or Catholic Business owner struggling?
Get your tickets to see Cabrini here: Yes, I need to see this movie!
There’s a personal message for you in this film too.
One last note . . . did you notice how Mother Cabrini used media?

Saint Frances Cabrini used media to help her fulfill her mission
As the owner of and the admin of a Catholic Social Media Influencers group; I found this use of media incredibly telling.
What I learned from Saint Frances Cabrini is that media is there to help, but perhaps we rely on it to much or too often.
Going to the journalist was a last resort for Cabrini – at least the first time she went.
Cabrini reminds us that there are other channels we should pursue and methods of soliciting funds.
But Cabrini also shows the power of the media and how extremely helpful it can be to get the job done.
If media could help a nun in the 1800’s, it certainly can help a ministry leader, non-profit owner and entrepreneur today.
And perhaps, using media and giving the public an opportunity to partake in the works of mercy we seek to carry out, may have an eternal effect on a soul.
I don’t want to give to much away though . . .
See the movie, Buy the tickets. Watch the trailer.
If you are a Catholic author, Catholic non-profit leader, Catholic artist, Catholic artisan, Catholic podcaster or speaker, a Catholic business owner that focusses heavily on evangelization or teaching the faith, Cabrini will inspire you.
In the film, Cabrini states “we are bold or we die, that is how we live in America”.
If we are to say yes to the mission God has placed on our hearts, we must be bold, or the mission will die.
See Cabrini and you will be inspired to be bold.
You’ll be inspired to know your mission like you know your name.
You’ll be inspired to see your dream past the stumbling blocks.
You’ll be inspired to have a much stronger faith in Jesus Christ.
You’ll be inspired to stay the course.
Let’s talk more after you see it 🙂