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A few weeks ago a P.R. company was asked to find influencers for an advanced screening of On a Wing and a Prayer – an Amazon Prime Original movie that is based on a true story – a MIRACLE that happened and the people involved believe it was the power of prayer that saved them.

This PR COMPANY happens to be owned by a Catholic Mom.

She found herself saying:


The owner told me, “I see Christian influencers everywhere, they are easy to find, but I couldn’t find any Catholic Influencers.”

That conversation is what led me to write this post.

Catholic Influencers: Stop Being Afraid of These 3 Things!

1. Stop Being Afraid to embrace the title or designation of “Catholic Influencer”

Perhaps I should word it this way – “stop resisting using the term Catholic Influencer to describe yourself”.

Is it a humility v. pride thing?

Stop being afraid of calling yourself an influencer.

I know some of us can be weary of calling ourselves Catholic Influencers.

But, I’m going to advise you to start embracing the term. Here’s why:


Publicist Tierney Kelly, owner of TKPR, after searching for faith based influencers in order to invite them to an advanced screening of On a Wing and a Prayer – an Amazon Prime Original movie based on a true story, decided one rainy Saturday to sit down at her computer and make it her job to find some Catholic Influencers.

After some time, will power and probably a few prayers, she found me through Prayer Wine Chocolate.

I am so grateful she reached out and we had a virtual meeting.

She shared her frustration about not being able to find Catholic influencers.

I assured her there are many Catholic Influencers – and I would be thrilled to connect her with them!!!!

So, I shared about the advanced screening in the Catholic Social Media Influencers Facebook group (you can sign up to be in this group here) and a few of us did get to watch On a Wing and a Prayer a week before it was available to the public.

Just about 2 weeks before this happened I made a conscious decision to stop running away from the term CATHOLIC INFLUENCER.

I had been working with Emily Ricci on a marketing plan and specifically the Executive Summary of Catholics Online, LLC.

As we wracked our brains we used terms like ministries, businesses, and others and I finally said:

“I’m using the term Catholic Influencers;

I’m sick of running away from that term!”

Maybe Tierney’s experience was validation from above.

It’s time to stop running from the label Catholic Influencer and start embracing it.

I know it can seem like a crazy concept to not know that Catholic Influencers are out there – because we have surrounded ourselves with them – but, not everyone has.

There are people like Tierney who want to find Catholic influencers!

There are people out there that want to follow Catholic influencers on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram – and even TikTok.

There are people out there longing to become a part of faithful, Catholic communities.

Let’s help them.

Anne DeSantis and Amy Brooks look at a cell phone discussing the best ways to post on social media.
Join Catholics Online today!

2. Stop Being Afraid of Lifting Up Other Catholic Influencers

Your network is more powerful than your email list (more on this in another post)

Even secular influencers know and embrace this – and they don’t have God telling them “Be Not Afraid” over and over and over again!

Networking with others is not only an effective business strategy, but a promise from the Lord Himself – for wherever two or three come together in His Name, there He is in our midst!

If you are not sure how to network, here is a FREE resource for you!

How to Network as a Catholic Influencer

You have a special mission –
a unique light that the Lord has asked you to share with the world . . .

But how can you reach more souls?

The answer is networking!

Expand Your Reach

Your message will reach more people if you have a network of like-minded individuals who understand the tremendous power of cooperation and collaboration.

Bring God In

Secular business owners understand the incredible results that come from a network.  As Catholic Christians, we know that when 2 or 3 gather in Jesus’ name, there God is in our presence.

Two women look at phone/camera on a tripod. One is holding a Rosary.
Amy Brooks (Prayer Wine Chocolate) and Anne DeSantis (St. Raymond Nonnatus Foundation)

If you are looking for a network of Catholic influencers – join our community today!  

3. Stop Being Afraid of Making Instagram Reels

If you hesitate to make reels, you are not alone.

Both Taryn DeLong and Tammi McCarthy admit that Instagram Reels once intimidated them – however both agree that reels expose their content to so many more people than a static post.

Tammi McCarthy said,

“I was afraid of using reels because I’m not super creative and I thought it would be too hard but it has really grown my reach.”

Taryn DeLong shared this:

I don’t do it (reels)*all* the time, but I have been trying to do it. It (Reels) expose my content to so many more people, and I’ve never gotten as many “likes” on a static post as I have on a reel.

The truth is, short-form video content is super effective right now, so it is an affordable way to market your platform and spread the word about your mission.

Not sure what to make a reel about?  We have a FREE resource for you!

This resource will give you 10 Instagram Reel ideas for Catholic ministries or businesses!

Want to talk to someone one-on-one about who to connect with as a Catholic evangelizing online?  I love connecting Catholics!  Let’s chat (see how here)!

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