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Dads, Grandpops and sons can be challenging to shop for – especially when you are hoping to add a little bit of faith and prayer into your gift.
However, we have found some awesome Catholic gifts for boys and men of all ages!
Here they are:
Boys To Men: The Best Gifts for Catholic Guys of All Ages
Catholic Gifts for Baby Boys
For the youngest gentlemen in the family, we recommend a Rosary Ring Teether!
They are the perfect size and just what that little man needs while he battles the discomfort of cutting his first tooth!
We also recommend bibs! Be a Heart has a Meal Blessing bib that is perfect for baby through toddlerhood!
Get more gift ideas with our free printable download!
Catholic Gifts for Toddler Boys
HollyLooYah Designs recently came out with Vestment Tee Shirts so they can easily dress like a priest when they play Mass!!!
We also highly recommend getting boys (and their moms) the My Catholic Keepsake book.
During my graduate coursework for my Master’s in History, I had to interview a professor that was close to retirement. When I set up our initial meeting, he pulled out his baby book! I don’t think his mom was still living, but he had this book his mom has put together for him – probably 60 years before! Men do value having those books as they grow into adulthood!
Catholic Gifts for Preschool Boys
Little guys this age love letters and numbers. My 4 year old had a great time with Saintly Heart’s new Pray and Play Puzzle!
Catholic Gifts for Young Boys
Boys love to spend time with their parents and they love to learn by doing! Two great companies embrace this fun way to teach the faith and we highly recommend them!
Seeds for Sainthood (Apple Box) – each box includes:
- The Seed Packet with weekly worksheets of liturgical lessons, saints, lectio divina, and sacraments.
- Sacramental literature and celebrations
- Lessons in morality
- Mass book pages
- Magnifikid
- Musical worship playlist
- Service project
- Products sourced from Christian businesses
- Craft project or Science experiment
- And more!
Each crate has certain recurring elements such as:
* TWO Collectible Feast Day Art Prints that highlight the Saints and include their incredible stories written right on the back!
* A music playlist to infuse your home with faith-filled music.
* A print of a Traditional Catholic Prayer to help with focus and memorization.
* TWO hands-on Feast Day Activities that require zero prep and effectively relate an important teaching to your kids.
*Stickers to add to your family calendar to count down to the feast day!
* A “Virtue Chat” table topper that prompts rich conversations and creates space to invite virtuous behavior in.
* And a surprise catechesis element that changes every month!
In addition, we include an easy to follow guide that even your older kids could follow. If you purchase Catholic Family Crate, use coupon code PRAYERWINECHOCOLATE for a discount!
Catholic Gifts for Tweenager Boys
The Boy’s Be Yourself Journal is for the boy transitioning to a young man. Targeted for ages 9 and up, this interactive book asks fun questions and is a spring board for incredible conversations with parents.

The journal has been getting great reviews from parents and Catechists, like this one from an Amazon customer:
“This journal is AMAZING! I plan to share it with everyone who has teens. Especially those nearing Confirmation age or getting Confirmed this year. I am a Director of Catechesis and this puts together a perfect combination of reflection and education to aid the kids in fostering a relationship with God. 10/10 would recommend.”
Other recommendations for this age group include comic books from Voyage Comics and Publishing!
Catholic Gifts for Young Men
This hat from Kolbes Little Flowers is so incredibly creative and thought provoking. A great conversation starter and evangelization tool! We think young men will also love the mystery of it too!
This is a great gift for a Confirmation Sponsor and a Godfather!
High School and College aged guys love “hoodies”! Proud Catholic Company and Totally Catholic Tees sell hooded sweatshirts in styles that are modern and trendy!
Catholic Gifts for Dads and Granddads
The best gifts for dads and Granddads are shirts, mugs and socks!
My husband loves his Saint Joseph shirt from No Heart Untouched.
My Dad loves his Saint Josemaria Escriva quote mug from Annunciation Designs.
Saint socks from Sock Religious are practical and can have a special meaning because there are so many Saints to choose from!