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Read this in Spanish here: Spanish version
I have beautiful memories of my childhood, of those unforgettable Decembers visiting the Guadalupe Basilica in Monterrey, Mexico.
The marvelous replica of the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the sound of the instruments and the dance steps of the Matachines (dancers) honoring her, the delicious smell of candy canes and churros prepared around the Basilica, hundreds of people walking in pilgrimage…
It’s a never ending feast for the senses to honor Our Virgen Morena!

My family and I have been living in the United States for a while now. But the devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe grows more and more in our hearts as the years go by.
She got me and my husband together and she gave me so much peace a few years ago when my Mom was diagnosed with cancer.
We have seen her graces in our lives and in our hearts on and on.
There are so many reasons to celebrate as a family, but also for the great miracle of conversion that she brought.
She was instrumental in the evangelization of Latin America. And not only there. Later on, her image depicted on Juan Diego’s tilma “determined the Christianization of the whole continent”, as told in the amazing book “Guadalupe Mysteries: Deciphering the Code” by Grzegorz Górny and Janusz Rosikón (Ignatius Press, 2016).

Our Lady of Guadalupe has shown us her most beautiful, sweet and lovely face appearing to San Juan Diego on December 1531 at the Tepeyac Hill as a young, expectant woman that radiated an extraordinary light.
When his uncle Juan Bernardino became sick, she comforted him by saying to her humble servant words that still resonate today between the faithful:
Listen, put it into your heart, my youngest and dearest son, that the thing that frightens you, the thing that afflicts you, is nothing: do not let it disturb you…
Am I not here who am your Mother?
Are you not under my shadow and protection?
Am I not the source of your joy?
Are you not in the hollow of my mantle, in the crossing of my arms?
Do you need something more?
Let nothing else worry you or disturb you
She stayed with us on this piece of agave cloth to show us how to love, how to defend life in all age and circumstance and how to protect the vulnerable ones.

There is so much to learn from Our Lady of Guadalupe. Her image is beautiful, bold and captivating. It is a true message from heaven!
9 Ways you can celebrate Our Lady of Guadalupe
If you want to get to know better and celebrate our beloved Guadalupana (as we often call her in Mexico) here are a few ideas:
1). Visit a Marian shrine or Church and go to Mass.
If you do not have a shrine or church dedicated specifically to Our Lady of Guadalupe near, or the possibility to travel to one soon, you could visit a Marian one.
If you live somewhere near Windsor, Ohio, there is a place there that I have heard a lot. “Servants of Mary Center for Peace” is the home of the biggest Our Lady of Guadalupe statue in the world. I can’t wait to go.
2). Plan a Baby Shower for Mary.
Erica from Be a Heart invited their followers to organize a baby shower to collect diapers and clothes to help future moms in need. They even designed beautiful invites that you can edit and print.
3). Donate to a Pro-Life cause.
In her Aztec attire, Our Mother wears a black ribbon above the waist. She shows us that she is an expectant mother, the way the Indian women used to do it. Donating to a single mom’s shelter, a nursing home or a migrant house is a great way to unite our heart to Mary’s.
4). Read and share the “Nican Mopohua” or a documentary.
A few weeks ago, a couple of friends came over for dinner. He is going through the RCIA program and he asked us about Our Lady of Guadalupe… His face glowed as he listened! This story totally deserves to be known and shared with family and friends. Let’s not keep it to ourselves.
5). Get closer to Eucharistic Adoration -if you haven’t yet.
Sign up for a weekly Holy Hour. It will rock your world. It will renew your strength. And little by little, Mary and Jesus will fill your heart with clarity and joy.
6). Pray the Rosary in front of an image of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
This is a picture like no other. This is Mary’s picture taken by God. If you have one at home, sit in front of it and meditate, pray in your heart and ask her what does she wants to reveal to you.

7). Offer a volunteering day.
A beautiful way to share with the world Mary’s spiritual motherhood. Visit a nursing home, and orphanage or food pantry and offer your help.
8). Make a small Mexican party… with tacos!
Get your best recipe and prepare a Mexican dinner to honor Our Lady with your family.
9). Get Mary some roses.
In our family, we usually bring flowers to Mary on some of her fest days. It is beautiful to see my children choosing the flowers and getting excited to visit with her at church or put them in from of her image at home.

Our Lady of Guadalupe is there for all of us. We are never be alone.
Let’s celebrate her. Let’s celebrate God’s love and mercy in giving her to us as a Mother. How blessed we are!
Get yourself a pair of Our Lady of Guadalupe Socks from Sock Religious!!!

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El Árbol Menta – Creciendo Juntas en la Alegría y en la Fe
¿Qué piensa una Mujer Católica? ¿Cómo alimenta su fe? ¿Cómo responde a lo que pasa en el mundo?
El Árbol Menta es un reflejo de lo que hay en el corazón de mujeres que vivimos para amar y servir a Cristo en su Iglesia, en nuestra familia y amigos, en quienes nos rodean.
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