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At times, some of us wonder if we are living up to the old hymn, “they will know we are Christians by our love . . .by our love . . .”

If we are spreading the Light of Christ, then we are allowing others to see that it truly is Jesus who is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

I’m here to tell you, that there are hearts seeking truth and finding it in your light.  

Here are a few converts who are being who God has called them to be, and sharing the Good News on Facebook!

Although this article will not explain why these Catholics converted to the faith, it will assure you that there are souls converting and also sharing the light of Christ. We strongly recommend you follow them on Facebook and check out their websites!

If you want to know more, follow them on Facebook!

Converting from Protestant to Catholic

Amy Thomas, Catholic Pilgrim

“Becoming Catholic has been like opening up a treasure chest and I love sharing the faith. This is a place for anyone who believes that there is more to life than what our culture offers us.”

Stop by the Catholic Pilgrim: Living Out the Faith Facebook page where Amy talks about the beauty and truth of Catholicism. Amy reminds us that we are all on a journey in this life and being lukewarm in our faith is selling ourselves short. This life is a pilgrimage and we can do it the world’s way or Christ’s way. Amy firmly believes that Christ’s way is a beautiful adventure that shapes us into who He created us to be.


Thy Olive Tree

Thy Olive Tree sells modern Catholic baby / keepsake books to capture faith and developmental milestones from birth to age 18. Kate, the owner, converted to Catholicism in 2016. Thy Olive Tree also creates birth, baptism and first Holy Communion remembrance prints, perfect for nursery / kid’s room decor.


Converting from Orthodox Presbyterian to Catholicism

Desiree Hausam – Green Catholic Burrow

Coming home to the Catholic Church is a wonderful, confusing, and difficult road. I create a variety of resources to make this journey a little easier. Desiree Hausam – Green Catholic Burrow focuses on helping other converts navigate the journey.

Converting from Hinduism to Catholicism

Rakhi McCormick / Rakstar Designs

Rakhi McCormick is living in the heart of Christ and His Church. She is a Catholic Convert from Hinduism. 

Getting off the beaten path to discover what light lurks in hidden places, looking at things from a different angle, revealing the brightness within…that is what Rakstar Designs hopes to be, be it through art photography, portraits, crafts or the written word. In a world that can seem laden with bad news and hard decisions, life can seem overwhelming sometimes. We strive to capture moments and create products that reveal the joy and lighter side of life, granting glimpses of the eternal.



Once Methodist, now Catholic 

Jessica Connolly, Telos Design
Architectural designer by education. Graphic designer by trade. Artist at heart.
As a Catholic convert and new to the idea of liturgical seasons, I was inspired to create modern calendars to help me, my family, and other families navigate the wealth of daily resources available through the Catholic Church. Telos Art offers unique religious jewelry, Confirmation gifts, Baptism gifts, and liturgical calendars. Many of the pieces are reclaimed vintage medals that have been repurposed and given new life. The mission of Telos Art is to use beauty to inspire our own faith.

Converting to Catholicism from Judaism

Craig Glant, Uplift by Lily

Uplift by Lily on Facebook displays products the small business loves designing  -positive, uplifting gifts!

The Eight Hobbits blog writes children’s book reviews, articles, blog posts, and am working on publishing my first children’s book. I also write about our homeschooling journey with our eight little hobbits, I mean cute children. “Where our hearts truly lie, is in peace…” ~ J.R.R.Tolkien

Returning Home to the Catholic Church

Ingrid Blixt from Open Journey

Follow Open Journey on Facebook and be inspired by faith based art and Bible Journaling supplies
“The use of metal leaf is inspired from Byzantine iconography, which is so close to my heart. Along with Byzantine art, Christian philosophy are the main influences in my work, but i have to admit Pinterest is pretty cool too.
In my first years living in US, I was describing my work as bringing with it the experience of a different cultural environment, which was true, although I was highlighting the differences – now, i see my work as a tool in finding common elements that unite us.” 


See all of these lights and more on our community and directory Facebook page: Catholics Online
Although our founders are not converts, the mission of Catholics Online is to provide inspiration by our members – often sharing from each of the above ministries, as well as from reverts, cradle Catholics and more!

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