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One thing I have noticed about myself, is that I don’t intentionally pray for my children and my Godchildren as much as I should.
So, I sat down and wrote a few quick, but meaningful, prayers for both my children and Godchildren. I want to share these special prayers with you.
Prayer 1:Â Give Your Child a Blessing
A few years ago my husband took some holy water as he was exiting Mass and made the sign of the cross on our son.
The priest observed him do this and said, “you know, a parent blessing his child is one of the few blessings a lay person can give.“
This sparked my husband’s curiosity, and he looked into it further after that brief, sweet conversation with Monsignor Flood.
Jerry Windley-Daost author of 77 Ways to Pray with Your Kids and owner of Gracewatch Media reminds us that, as a baptized lay person, you are not only qualified to bless people and objects and places in certain situations (such as in your home), you are called to do so.
You can get the book 77 Ways to Pray with Your Kids for free from Dynamic Catholic!
According to CatholicCulture.org:
“Priests have the authority to bless the faithful, and parents, too, have the privilege of blessing their children. The prayer which is said for the newly married couple at the Nuptial Mass says:
“May the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob bless you. As He sent His angel of peace, the blessed Raphael, so may He shower His blessings upon you. May Almighty God bless you, that you may see your children’s children unto the third and fourth generation; and may you afterward have life everlasting.”
Every time parents raise their hands in blessing, they draw down God’s assistance for their children’s welfare in body and soul.
Now my husband blesses our children almost every night. I listened intently to the words he says, and wrote them down so I could share them with you.
God Bless and protect my son.
God bless and keep him safe, good and holy
And protect him from all evil.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Get these 5 Prayers for Your Children and Godchildren as an instant, free download here!!
Prayer 2: Praying for a child and teen to rise above peer pressure
One reality is being a tween and teen is characterized by facing tons of temptations in the form of peer pressure. The people we surround ourself with tend to “rub off” on us.
Saints have stressed how much an impact the people we choose to be our friends make on our lives and souls.
Saint Francis de Sales stated:
“Love everyone with a strenuous love based on charity, but form friendships only with those who can share virtuous things with you.” – St. Francis de Sales
Saint John Bosco shared similar wisdom:
“Fly from bad companions as from the bite of a poisonous snake. If you keep good companions, I can assure you that you will one day rejoice with the blessed in Heaven; whereas if you keep with those who are bad, you will become bad yourself, and you will be in danger of losing your soul. “
Finally, Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton echoes this sentiment:
“If I had to advise parents, I should tell them to take great care about the people with whom their children associate . . . Much harm may result from bad company, and we are inclined by nature to follow what is worse than what is better.”
This short, quick prayer is meant to help your children (and Godchildren) to choose friends that will encourage virtuous living. If memory serves me right, I learned this prayer from the ministry on Instagram, @manyhailmarysatatime. I often see this quick prayer as an intention in the comments as the daily Rosary is prayed.Â
Throughout our child’s life, he or she will be influenced by others – but our children also set an example to those around them. Let us pray that they know God loves them and that their hearts reflect that love!
Prayer 3: Pray for your child to be a Joyful Saint
Oh my Jesus,
I ask you to walk with my child (Godchild) each day.
Help him to know you are with him;
Know you love him;
And know you desire to be with him in heaven.
Please send your most Holy Spirit into his heart and help him to be a joyful saint while he lives this life so that he can spend eternity with You in the next.
Prayer 4: Praying for a child to grow responsible and independent
We want our children to leave the nest eventually, and we hope and pray we taught them how to live in a way that will provide security, safety and well being. Although money isn’t everything, it is something that we want our children to have for their basic needs. We hope our children are able to provide for their families and give to others generously.
This short prayer can be put in your wallet, so each time you take out your debit card or credit card, you can say this quick prayer for your children.
Pray for your Children’s Financial Decisions
Get these 5 Prayers for Your Children and Godchildren as an instant, free download here!!
Prayer 5: Prayer for your Godchild
Being asked to be a Godparent is such an honor. Praying for our Godchildren is such a blessing for them! Life can be busy, so we can forget. Put this prayer on your refrigerator or in your Bible, so that every time you see it, you take a minute to pray for your Godson or Goddaughter. You can also pray this prayer for your child too!
Pray for your Godchildren daily or weekly
Being a Godmother is such a wonderful honor!Â
I want to take that honor seriously and truly remember those children in a special way in my prayers. In fact, my first Godchild is my youngest sister – and she’s in her mid-twenties! I know she appreciates any prayers – so these are not just for babies and young children
We have a free download for you! Print out these prayers and place them on your refrigerator, in your wallet, in your prayer journal, Bible and other places that will remind you throughout the day to pray for your children and Godchildren!Â
Click here for your free download Want more free prayers? Get 11, Quick, Powerful Prayers (free printable) from Prayer Wine Chocolate.