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This past Monday, the Mass readings included this verse from 2 Corinthians:
“We are treated as deceivers and yet are truthful;” 2 Corinthians 6:8
The modern world does not embrace the pro-life movement or, in fact, a culture of life.
Even though advocates for abortion rights claim pro-lifers do not support women’s health or rights,
we know the truth – that our hearts and minds are filled with love for both the child and mother.
With modern medical knowledge being so advanced, it is not uncommon for a pregnant woman to be advised by a doctor to go to a specialist after learning they are with child.
Poor pre-natal diagnosis screening is frequently recommended by doctors.
Often, when there is concern that the unborn baby may have a disease or physical ailment, the physician informs the patient of her right to terminate the pregnancy. This conversation often occurs before a second opinion is given – and often before a true diagnosis is given!
What many people do not realize, is that there are ministries that serve mothers and fathers who have received poor prenatal diagnosis and do not want to terminate the pregnancy.
1. Ministries that support mother’s given a poor prenatal diagnosis.
Poor pre-natal diagnosis? This ministry supports you as you carry to term . . .
Be Not Afraid (BNA) is a private non-profit organization which provides comprehensive case management to parents carrying to term following a (poor) prenatal diagnosis.
Our staff and peers strive to develop a relationship of trust while providing for the emotional and tangible needs of parents at diagnosis, during pregnancy, at birth and during the post postpartum period for up to one year.
We believe that every baby is a gift, and we support parents not only in advocating for basic care, but also in obtaining the treatment they deem appropriate for their child after birth no matter the diagnosis. We follow the ethical teaching of the Catholic Church, but serve parents of all denominations.
2. Physicians who are Pro-Life
We trust our doctors.
We listen carefully to their advice and have been trained to “follow doctors orders”.
Since I became a mother almost 9 years ago, I have met several women that have mentioned to me that they had abortions because their doctor told them the child within their womb was “severely deformed” or stressed that the baby was suffering greatly.
It seems like these words or advice almost made them feel guilty for not terminating their pregnancies ASAP.
I wonder if they had gone to a doctor who was rooted in faith, if these women would be given a more clear picture.
Medical advice filled with wisdom and truth, but also hope, and love.
10 years ago it wasn’t easy finding a truly pro-life ob-gyn or physician – even when finding a doctor associated with a Catholic hospital.
Now, it is becoming easier; especially with the creation of these ministries:
MyCatholicDoctor – Building a pro-life virtual Catholic hospital
MyCatholicDoctor is a nationwide organization that brings a network of faithful medical professionals to patients through video visits/telehealth, home visits, and office referrals.
practice evidence-based scientific medicine from a Catholic perspective and integrate Catholic spirituality into our care as appropriate to the situation. We see all people regardless of religious affiliation. We have a unique financial model that aims to accommodate different healthcare payment methods.
Natural Women’s Health by Dr. Monique Ruberu
Dr. Monique Ruberu is a convinced Catholic and a Napro Technology Trained Pro Life Ob/Gyn.
Monique has a beautiful conversion story that she recently published titled “Rising with Roses.”
This book delves deep into her faith journey which brought her from a broken marriage to an amazing and precious relationship God. It also addresses many interesting life lessons that she learned along the way and now shares with her patients on a daily basis. She is a 40 days for life campaign leader, a pro life advocate, trained sidewalk counsellor and public speaker.
Monique loves speaking about:
Making the most of your marriage;
Avoiding dating pitfalls and embracing the real purpose of dating; Sexual integrity after marriage;
Napro technology as an alternative to contraceptives, IVF and typical gynecologic care,
Why Men should be on the sidewalk,
the aftermath of abortion, and her conversion story.
3. Pro-Life Bloggers
Women and men who write publicly about the beauty of life – from womb to tomb – are not celebrated enough.
And let me clarify here, the bloggers and writers that should be getting the most press are not divisive. They simply allow the world to see that the right to life is not political, but essential.
Two Catholic Pro-Life bloggers I would love to introduce you to are Leslie Sholly and Michelle Nott.
Leslie Sholly, blogger and owner of Life in Every Limb, was most recently published in the Spring issue of Celebrate Life Magazine. This article introduces us to an amazing new book, When You Became You. In the article, Leslie helps us get to know the authors and the motivation behind the book.
“With science prevailing in the news, the women began to wonder why people would rely on science to guide their actions on issues such as climate change, clean water, beauty products, and more, but they would not allow science to guide their actions when it came to protecting human lives. “
The article continues to not only make the reader aware of the new book, but a ministry founded by the authors.
“In 2015, understanding that they must do something to help facilitate the dissemination of correct and basic scientific information, Brooke and Christine founded Contend Projects. Brooke explains: “Contend Projects is a secular science education organization that is focused on the biological science of human embryology and when a human being begins to exist. . . . We [work] to make this science simple and accessible for everyone because it is relevant and important to all of us.”
I would have never known that this book existed, or this organization, had it not been for Leslie!
Leslie Sholly is a Catholic, Southern wife and mother to five mostly grown kids. She has a long history as a writer, speaker, and advocate for the sanctity and dignity of life from conception to natural death. One thing we love about Leslie is she allows her readers to see hope in a world where people can unite behind the truth that human life is sacred and should be legally protected.
Unlike many pro-life writers, Leslie introduces us to groups that we may not have much in common with – but we do have the firm belief and knowledge that life begins in the womb and deserves a voice and defenders. Leslie welcomes guest writers on her blog as well, and this one by Heidi is a must read: Honoring the Dignity of the Shortest Lives.
At Catholics Online, we have a whole list of Catholic bloggers and authors. So if you are searching for more, please click “Life Issues” under our authors tab and then click “pro-life”.
But before I move on to the next ministry, I want to introduce you to Michelle Nott.
Michelle Nott is a Catholic wife and mom sharing experiences of life, faith, and motherhood.
As a stay-at-home mom of 4 kids under 4, I’m not sure how she writes and when but, according to Michelle,
“When I have free time I love to read books about motherhood and my faith, nap, bake, or spend time with family. I am a lover of fitness and survive on coffee and constant prayers for patience.”
Michelle recently made an Instagram reel that demonstrated how we should all not be afraid to say, “I am pro-life”. I love this reel! Watch it here: Michelle Nott (nottfamily) on Instagram
Michelle’s blog is called Raising Small Things With Great Love.
4. Prayer Warriors and Adoption Advocates
If you pray the Spiritual Adoption Prayer, let me assure you, Our Lord saves lives through this prayer.
If you are not sure what it is, get your free download by subscribing to my blog, Prayer Wine Chocolate right now!!!
This prayer takes less than 30 seconds to pray. It was penned by Archbishop Fulton Sheen and my family has experienced more than one miracle with it. If you want to read about one, I suggest reading God Hears Us: A Spiritual Adoption Miracle.
If you pray the Rosary in front of abortion clinics, again, let me assure you that your witness and prayers matter and are needed.
I also want to personally thank you. At this stage in my motherhood, it’s not easy for me to get out there – so I want you to know I am so happy you are there.
If by chance a confrontational human being shouts at you, “how many kids have you adopted?” please answer them, “actually, Amy asked me to come here. She’s home with her 3 adopted children knee deep in potty training and swimming lessons, so she asked me to come and pray”.
I’ve noticed that many supporters of abortion get upset when adoption is mentioned. The truth is, adoption should enter and be in the conversation. Mother Teresa, now Saint Teresa of Calcutta, spoke about adoption at the 1994 National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C. There, in her speech, she stated:
“I will tell you something beautiful. We are fighting abortion by adoption – by care of the mother and adoption for her baby. We have saved thousands of lives . . .”
If you would like to read more of this quote and Mother Teresa’s view on adoption, read Mother Teresa: A Saint for Adoptive Families.
Adoption can be easily corrupted and plagued by bad ethics, so it is important that pro-life warriors stay on top of adoption education and awareness. If we claim to be pro-life, we must be open to learn more about adoption. We must be willing to hear and learn from those in the adoption community: women who have chosen to place their child with an adoptive family, adults who grew up as an adopted child, parents who have adopted and those who work and live with the foster care system.
Please do not be intimidated when a pro-abortion person brings up children in foster-care. The fact is, and I may know this from personal experience, that infant adoption stops the foster-system from become even more crowded. And many pro-lifers do adopt from the system. Don’t let that argument quiet your voice.
5. Your local Pro-Life Ministries
What do I mean by Pro-life ministries? I mean your local crisis pregnancy center (sometimes called pregnancy resource center or even women’s center); your local 40 Days for life coordinators and sidewalk counselors, the physicians in your area that prescribe the abortion reversal pill and the ministries that provide healing and hope after abortion.
Most of these ministries are run by prayers, volunteers and donations. This source of revenue makes marketing especially challenging.
Find them on social media. Comment on their posts. Share their posts. Donate to them. Volunteer your time and talent. You may not think you have a talent to share, but believe me, you might! Once local women’s center had a night where they taught the women how to make a good lasagna. I once volunteered my time at a center to teach a prayer journaling class!
If you volunteer at one of these centers already, thank you! If you are wondering how to optimize your presence on social media or simply have a community to support your mission, consider joining our community!
Yes, I want to be listed on Catholics Online and learn from the community!
We would literally put you on the map.
How can we give these pro-life ministries more press?
- Talk about them. Praise the work they do with people in person and on social media.
- Find them on social media. Comment on their posts. Share their posts.
- Donate to them. You can make a donation and specify, “I want this monetary donation to go towards marketing and advertising”!
- Volunteer your time and talent.
- Go to their website and sign up for their newsletter.
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