Title of article "5 Amazing Tips for Catholic Ministries on Social Media" plus two women looking at a phone smiling

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Our community has some incredibly intelligent and successful business owners that focus on marketing, social media, YouTube, SEO and more.

These members have shared within our private community many tips on how to work smarter.  Here’s a glimpse of what has been shared in our group by some amazing Catholic influencers!

5 Tips for Catholic Ministries Using Social Media

Be Very Clear About Your Target Audience

Emily Ricci, owner of Gloriam Marketing advises to be very specific about who you are talking to when and where ever you are marketing.  Ricci strongly suggests making your ideal client a lot more specific than “a Catholic” or “a Catholic woman”.

Ginny Kochis, owner of Not So Formulaic, is a great example of how this advice works.

From Ginny’s website:

“Raising differently-wired kids is a challenging vocation. I’ll help you identify and serve their unique gifts and challenges so you can focus on the good stuff: forming a mother-child relationship built on holiness and grace.”

Notice Ginny really gets specific about who she helps.  She doesn’t say “I help Catholic parents”; she describes the specific challenges of some Catholic parents – specifically Catholic moms.

If you want to hear more of Emily Ricci’s advice on how to target your ideal client and what other tips Emily has, join our community!

Use Instagram to share the Catholic Faith in the Most Effective Way

Molly Balint is an Instagram coach and owner of The Social Circle

You can view/listen to our interview of Molly Balint inside the Catholic Talk and Inspiration group on Facebook.  Request to join the Catholic Talk and Inspiration group to view the whole interview!

Molly shared 3 common mistakes people make when they use Instagram when promoting your business, book or ministry.

One mistake she mentioned is not showing our faces on Instagram.  As an Instagram coach, Molly stresses how important it is to show your face and connect with your community in that way on that platform.  Fear of being visible holds people back.

Another mistake people make on Instagram is not using all the features – especially reels.  Reels are a great way to get your work in front of new people.  As an Instagram coach, Molly Balint understand that not all people might be enthusiastic about reels – so she gives tips on how to create them easily – and without dancing.

Get the 3rd tip and hear the Q & A simply by joining Catholic Talk and Inspiration on Facebook!

Two women looking at a phone on a tripod smiling
Join Catholics Online to get more advice and have a community that will answer questions about using social media as a Catholic online.

Create and Share Videos to Increase Visibility

Anita Morin, owner of FDS Creatives, strongly advises using an evergreen platform – like Youtube – because YouTube is a search engine.  This is incredibly valuable because people go to YouTube to learn, to be entertained and to be inspired.

If people are looking for a ministry to help them grieve or a place to purchase a special Catholic gift, they search for that on YouTube.  If you are providing a solution to a problem, YouTube is a great place to announce what solution your business or ministry offers.

Search based titles, description, tags and clear thumbnails are extremely important when posting on YouTube.

If you have valuable information, your lighting is good and the viewer can hear you clearly, people will watch your videos on YouTube.

Added bonus – YouTube isn’t really a social media platform because it is search based.  YouTube is a great way to connect.

Make graphics that are clear and simple

If your ministry is creating graphics to post on Facebook, Instagram or any other social media platform, please remember this:


Keep your graphics simple.  Add the additional information in the caption.  Graphics that have to much text on them make the scroller scroll faster!

Obviously, you don’t want this.  Also, some social media platforms will reward your account with more views if scrollers stop and click “read more” to get all the information you are sharing.

This piece of advice is just one I give in this YouTube Video on the Catholics Online channel.

Two women looking down at a phone smiling they also have a notebook on a table
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promote ministries and apostolates that serve others;

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