3 Tips for Catholics Evangelizing Online graphic can be Pinned on Pinterest (blog title graphic)

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3 Tips for Catholics Evangelizing Online

Jesus challenges and calls all Christians to be a light and share His Light in the darkness.

We do this in the world when we choose to live our faith by serving others and making sacrifices when the world is often sending the message for us to “treat yo-self”.

Being a Catholic Christian is most often counter-cultural.

Yet, all people have a hole in their heart that only God can fill. Jesus thirsts for every man and woman.

How can we reach more souls for Christ and also help those who are faithful be reassured that they are not alone in this journey towards God.

Some of us feel very called to the New Evangelization that Saint Pope John Paul II wrote and spoke about. A great way to evangelize is to use online platforms.

Catholic organizations should use more short form video

Tip #1: Use short form videos – and use them effectively

You can use short videos on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube – even Pinterest has videos now!

Use more short form video – and use it the correct way!

I see Catholics using video, and often they are not implementing the methods that will stop the scrolling andkeep viewers watching.

Use trending audio (if the audio has an arrow up, it’s trending) or use an original audio.

When you speak to the camera, talk as though you are starting a conversation with one person.


Ask them if they need help with (fill in how you help others with your product or service).

Then after you ask the question, say, “if yes, stay here, I can help”. THEN you introduce yourself!

For example, if you are trying to encourage more Catholics to pray the Rosary, your video should not start with:

“Hi, I’m Jen Smith . . .”

Instead, start the video like this:

“Hi, do you want to pray more in 2024? If so, stay right here I have a tip for you!”

Anita Morin, Youtube coach and entrepreneur (and member of Catholics Online) taught me and our community this tip. You can learn more from Catholic business coaches in our community – sign up here!

camera on a tripod graphic.  Text states: "be awesome stop introducing yourself first"

Catholic business owners and ministry leaders need to get comfortable repeating their mission and services

Tip #2: Talk about your services and products more often

Do you help mothers navigate grief;

women face unplanned pregnancies;

serve Catholics battling addiction?

Do you have a book that helps people pray more often or do you make Rosaries? Catholic toys? Catholic wall decor?

Whatever it is that you do – you need to share your message and your mission over and over again.

Emily Ricci, owner of the Catholic company Gloriam Marketing, (and member of Catholics Online) often speaks about the “rule of 7”.

It takes people an average of seeing a call to action 7 times before they take action.

So, if you are inviting your community to download a prayer, or buy a book, or donate to a good cause – most will not take any action until they see your invitation seven times.

If you are afraid of sounding like a broken record, consider the following tips!

Share the same content, but on different platforms (on Instagram, on your website, on your Facebook page, in a podcast episode, etc.).

Share testimonials.

Share your why!

Why do you help Catholic families pray more together? Why did you start an organization that helps parishes pray the Rosary more or grieving mothers cope without losing faith?

Your why and other people’s testimonials are different ways to share your mission.

Write an email. Record and post a video.

And then, go to Tip #3 . . .

Tip 3#: Network with other Catholics Online

I recently heard a secular business coach advise: “pay to be in the right rooms”.

I started the Catholics Online community because I saw how incredibly helpful a group of “social media moms” could be to one person trying to share her message online.

As Christians, we know that we were meant to help one another. If we are connected in an active community, we can share each other’s audiences and help many faithful Catholics know that they are not the only one who still believes in the power of prayer and the grace that is available in the Sacraments.

If you are trying to do the works of mercy, having a supportive community can help you reach more souls and do so in a way that is extremely affordable.

Not only does a supportive community help you reach a greater audience, a community can share wisdom and tips that make your workload more efficient.

In our community, we often have “tip talks” where one member will share a strength or skill with other members.

For example, our next tip talk is going to help our community members plan out email newsletter content and write better emails!

Join our community today and don’t miss it!

3 ways Catholics can use networking to grow a business or ministry graphic - two people looking at a lap top smiling

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