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Have you heard of the Bible in a Year podcast featuring Father Mike Schmitz?
It was an incredible successful podcast last year, and if you completed it – WOW – what an AMAZING accomplishment! Some might be attempting to listen to every episode this year, others might be looking to fill that void with another inspiring Catholic podcast.
We have a few stellar ones to suggest!
Last year we wrote a round-up post of the best podcasts for every Catholic – You can read that post here: The Best Podcasts for Every Catholic
Some of those podcasts are publishing new episodes, some are on a hiatus.
Here are some Catholic podcasts that are rocking 2022!
These 5 Catholic Podcasts are impressing many with their consistency, thoroughness and sheer wisdom!
1. A Year with Sister Faustina (Amy Thomas, A Catholic Pilgrim)
Travel with me, Catholic Pilgrims, for one year as we read through St. Faustina’s Diary. Every day, I will do a short reading from the diary that brought us a deeper understanding of Christ’s Divine Mercy. Afterwards, I’ll give a short reflection on what we’ve read. I look forward to meeting you here every day on this podcast for one year to learn more about the mercy of Christ.
Amy Thomas finished the Year with Sister Faustina and has started a podcast featuring Bishop Fulton Sheen’s book Way to Inner Peace. You can listen to the Introductory Episode here:
2. Journeying with the Saints: A Catholic Pilgrim Podcast
3. Catholic Moms Made for Greatness Podcast (Sterling Jay, Lorissa Horn)

Life coaches Lorissa Horn and Sterling Jay teach Catholic moms how to have more confidence, clarity, and focus on their journey of motherhood with life coaching tools that are grounded in the truth, goodness, and beauty of our Catholic faith.
4. Sterling Jay also is the host of the Catholic Moms Made for Business Podcast
Where Catholic moms come to learn how to build six-figure companies to create financial freedom for their families!
5. Say Yes to Holiness Podcast hosted by Christina Semmens
A podcast designed to inspire, encourage, and accompany you to finding purpose, peace and abundance in your daily life in the pursuit of holiness.
Host Christina Semmens has a new episode every week and some quite amazing and inspiring guests!

Catholic Podcasts help people at all ages and stages!
Catholic Podcast for Homeschooling Families
The Homeschooling Saints Podcast
The podcast that helps you create the homeschool you love for the people you love. Sponsored by Homeschool Connections.
Almost 50,000 downloads!

A Podcast Meant to Help You Revive Your Catholic Parish
Transforming Parishes, Transforming Lives
We know that transforming parishes means changing culture—and that cultural change is hard! That’s why we’re “on the air.” Each week Deacon Keith Strohm and his co-hosts Rachel Espinoza and Kristin Bird explore different facets of parish renewal. Breaking open their own experience working “in the trenches” at the parish level, and discussing with their many guests the principles, strategies, programs, and processes that make an actual difference in parish life, your podcast hosts provide practical, real-world advice you can use
Catholic Podcasts Inspired by Saints
Saints for Slacker is a NEW Podcast that launched in Lent 2021 to share little inspirations for those who need hope but just can’t take one more friggin’ thing.
Each episode centers on a brief reflection of a different saint with a new hilarious “wannabe patron saint” generated by our team of slackers. Not meant to make light of striving for holiness, but rather to help lighten our hearts that have endured such great hardships, especially over the past year. Podcasts are presented by our ministry teams and special guests, and have been enjoyed by kids to retirees!
Please join us! It’s fun and inspiring, as we’re all called to holiness – even us slackers!

Quo Vadis? means “Where are you running to?” Katherine O’Brien, MA leads us as we explore where the Lord is going so that we can follow Him more closely. As St. Thérèse of Lisieux wrote in her autobiography, “I have only to open the Holy Gospels and at once I breathe the perfume of Jesus’ life, and then I know which way to run…” Therefore, my brothers and my sisters, let us run after Jesus.
Podcast for Young Catholic Adults
The Hear and Now Podcast hosted by Sophia Lebano
Host Sophia Lebano is a 21 year old podcaster, entrepreneur, and business student.
Having progressive hearing loss from 8 years old until 17, Sophia went completely deaf after bilateral cochlear implant surgeries.
In August 2019, she began her podcast to document her journey of hearing loss and college as a young Catholic woman. Since then, Sophia has had the honor of interviewing some amazing people, including Mary Lenaburg, Hannah Ashton, Nina Poersch, Megan Wells, Alison Centofante, Damon Owens, Bill Donaghy, Fr. Dan Molochko, and so many more!
Real talks about real life. Hear and Now Podcast strives to bring you the advice and humor needed for this earthly journey we are on. Listen in each week to hear conversations with nuns, priests, professors, authors, friends, musicians, speakers, business owners, and ordinary people.

Some questions we often answer:
How can we heal from grief? What are your top business tips? What is your biggest piece of advice for college kids? How is God working in your life? How do we pray? How do I stay healthy? How do I find my vocation? How do you hear God’s voice speaking to you?
Hear all this and more right here, right now, on Hear and Now Podcast.
A Podcast for Catholics Taking Charge of their Finances
Catholic Money Mastermind – Financial Planning conversations with Catholic CFP practitioners
Professional and Catholic CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERS (TM) discuss the relationship between faith and finances. A production of the Catholic Financial Planners Network. One of the hosts of this podcast is Deborah L. Meyer, author of Redefining Family Wealth: A parent’s Guide to Purposeful Living
A Podcast for Catholic Parents:
All Set for Sunday hosted by Scott Williams (owner of Sock Religious)
A podcast for busy or distracted Catholic parents to be a little more prepared for Sunday Mass.
More Catholic Podcasts
hosted by Katie Marquette
The Born of Wonder podcast that focuses on art, literature, beauty, theology.
For example, in the final episode of Season 2, Katie meditates on “wintering” and embracing the dark times in the year – and in life. Dark Night of the Soul*, the turning of the year, a chance for reflection… And some recommendations (Icelandic Book Flood! When Harry Met Sally!) to get us ready for a new year.
*Saint John of the Cross
Not Lukewarm Podcast with Deanna Bartalini
“Not Lukewarm” comes from the Scripture passage Revelation 3:16
Last year began with an episode that encouraged us to begin a spiritual makeover by “Changing our Hearts.”
Later in the year, I talked about Rhythm, Routines and Habits, a good one to listen to as you begin planning for a new year, be it in your personal or professional life.
I hope that as we talked about prayer, scripture and books that all of our hearts and souls turned toward God and are now more closer to him and Jesus.
Host of Not Lukewarm, is also the author of Invite the Holy Spirit into Your Life and has written many Catholic blog posts, for example, Prayer Life Hack: Light a Candle
A Catholic Podcast for Women
Inspired by Faith hosted by Emily Jaminet and Michele Faehnle
Inspire the Faith – Share the Gospel, Pray together, deepen relationships & spread mercy
Helping women deepen their faith through women’s studies, events and free resources.
Jaminet and Faelhnle have co-authored several books including Divine Mercy for Moms and The Friendship Project
Want to peruse MORE CATHOLIC PODCASTS? Check out our post The Best Podcasts for Every Catholic
And lastly . . .Pink Salt Riot also has a fun podcast!
Creator Jill Simons explains that Authentic Uprising “is all about how to be authentically yourself – as you were created to be – by embracing what God says about you in Scripture. We chat about rewiring our harmful mental patterns that keep us from living this way, how to be authentic, and more . . .”
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