There’s a YouTube channel for everything.
As we navigate our lives and look to the internet with help fixing a broken stove, providing us with background music and escaping our stress with entertainment, it’s good to know our soul can be fed on YouTube, too.
There are a growing number of Catholic YouTube Channels!
Here are some we recommend!

Catholic Social Media Influencers on YouTube
See and hear from Catholic Social Media Influencers across the globe!
Catholics Online’s YouTube channel features Catholic bloggers, authors, speakers, artisans, business owners and ministry leaders.
These Catholic Social Media Influencers share how to grow both personal and professional platforms;
as well as share knowledge and resources to every Catholic who seeks a deeper relationship with Christ!
Subscribe to Catholics Online’s YouTube channel today!
Catholic YouTube Channels that Will Level Up your Social Media Influence
DayBreak Social Media videos by Cecilia Buckner will help the social media beginner learn how to:
- use the INSIGHTS data information tool on Instagram;
- connect your personal Facebook page to your business page;
- get more insight on hashtags and more!
Liturgy Live – Dive into the Sunday Mass Readings with CatholicLink
Liturgy Live is a video podcast streamed on Facebook that dives into the upcoming Sunday’s Mass readings.
Fr Ian VanHeusen and Alanna Burg reflect on the meaning of the readings and how they relate to our current events and personal lives.
CatholicLink also has a great A Spanish Channel
for Catholics who prefer Spanish or are bi-lingual!
A You-Tubing Priest: Father Ian VanHeusen
Father Ian VanHeusen, a regular contributor to Catholic-Link also has his own YouTube Channel.
Are you interested in watching streaming Masses?
Do you need to learn how to pray, or get a little boost in your spiritual life?
Father Ian is a great resource, and has videos that will teach you and speak straight to your heart.
Here’s one you might love, about Lectio Divina: How to Meditate With the Bible.
A Catholic Marriage YouTube Channel
Logan and Jen are more entertaining than a reality show and certainly much more helpful.
Get ideas on how to have a date night in; how to plant a Mary Garden or create a St. Joseph Altar; and navigating challenges like obstacles in intimacy as well as praying as a couple.
They describe themselves as “a Catholic married couple that takes our relationship seriously but likes to have fun in the process! Join us as we share all the ways we’ve been Surprised by Marriage.”
A YouTube Channel for those wanting to pray The Chaplet of Divine Mercy Daily
The National Centre for Padre Pio
Pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy Daily with the Shrine Director, Nick Gibboni!
This YouTube Channel also makes it possible to view Mass online; pray the Rosary with a large group of Christians virtually and more.
A Catholic, Pro-life Doctor on YouTube
Dr. Ruberu is a board certified OB/GYN as well as a Creighton Fertility Care Medical Consultant.
Dr. Monique Ruberu‘s YouTube channel educates women and men about topics like infertility and post-partum depression; as well as gives tips on natural medicine that enables the viewer to live a happier and healthier life.
A You-Tubing Teen: Kid Catholic
Kid Catholic is a family friendly, apologetic, Catholic Youtuber!
Kid Catholic has done speaking engagements with various parishes/schools and is currently booking more events.
Kid Catholic confronts questions like “do we have to suffer”; What is a Sacrament? And discusses Pro-life issues and teens becoming passionate about their faith.
A Catholic HomeSchooling YouTube Channel
In the spirit of the New Evangelization and in the light of John Paul the Great’s teaching on the domestic church, Homeschool Connections seeks to use technology to enhance a homeschool family’s educational efforts by providing them the needed resources to achieve this endeavor.
Homeschool Connections offers two types of online classes:
- Live, interactive courses that meet in real time.
- And recorded, independent courses that can be taken on your schedule and at your pace.
Our instructors are college professors or working professionals.
Courses are available for all subjects from math to science, from literature to writing, from theology to philosophy, and so much more.
HSC also provides other services to help homeschooling parents fulfill their God-given vocation including free webinars, eBooks, and educational videos.
A Catholic Artist on YouTube
tiSpark is a Catholic YouTube Channel where you can see a Catholic painter create images of Our Blessed Mother; Saints like Gianna and Saint Francis Xavier.
The artist, Tianna Williams, even has an oil painting tutorial video!
Watch the incredibly talented Catholic artist Tianna William’s work by viewing one of her oil painting time lapse videos.
These videos are beautiful and paired with relaxing and inspiring music. If you find a painting you love, you can purchase a journal with many of the images on it or other products created by Tianna Williams.
Catholic Book Reviews and More
Alison Gingras is a familiar face in the Catholic Facebook world.
Allison hosts a podcast, leads virtual book clubs for WINE (Women in the New Evangelization) and her YouTube channel even has a guided Stations of the Cross meditation with her Deacon husband.
Check out what’s new in the Catholic World with Allison and grow closer to Christ with your seeking heart!
Pray More Novenas on YouTube
Pray More Novenas has a YouTube Channel!
Join in praying with thousands of people around the world!
Annie Deddens leads us in a novena with her heavenly voice and the videos provide the words of each pray so that we can pray along with her and thousands of others.
Pray More Novenas helps you pray 1-2 novenas each month.
A YouTube Channel for Those Who Struggle with Sin – particularly pornography
Freedom Coaching is a one-to-one mentoring system aimed at helping those with an attraction and compulsion to pornography, with the goal of reclaiming a healthy vision of the body and of sexuality and thus become inoculated to the enticement of pornographic images.
Although Freedom Coaching uses principles based upon Catholic theology, specifically Saint John Paul the Great’s Theology of the Body, this process is available to everyone regardless of religion. Freedom Coaching is offered by those who have struggled with an attachment or compulsion to pornography in their own lives and are experiencing lasting freedom. They desire to walk alongside others as they pursue the redemption of their vision.
Want to Pray the Rosary right now? There’s a YouTube Channel for that too!
Pray with Kristin Reilly and Amy Brooks 🙂
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